Archive for 2013

MIKE MILLER poses for a photo with Tanna Kingsbury, who is undergoing cancer treatments in Sioux Falls and Rochester.

NBA champion and Mitchell native Mike Miller stopped by the Castle last Friday morning and paid a visit to Tanna Kingsbury, who is just finishing up her sixth round of chemotherapy in her battle against bone cancer.
Miller was in Sioux Falls taking part in a Children’s Miracle Network fundraiser, “Night of Hope.”
Tanna was diagnosed this past spring with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a very rare form of bone cancer affecting mainly adolescents. Tanna has been doctoring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. and Sanford’s Children’s Hospital, or “the Castle”, in Sioux Falls. After finishing up round six of chemo this week, surgery is expected to be scheduled to remove the tumor.
Miller is just coming off of his second straight NBA title with the Miami Heat. Miller is a 1998 graduate from Mitchell High School and was a fifth round pick in the 2000 NBA draft by the Orlando Magic.

A case of West Nile Virus has been confirmed in Sanborn County.
Casey Miller of Woonsocket was recently diagnosed with the Virus. She is the first diagnosis in Sanborn County and just the fifth in the state of South Dakota.
According to County Health Nurse Marla Feistner, the four other confirmed cases are in Brookings, Buffalo, Jones and Spink counties.
Miller began experiencing headaches after delivering her baby boy six weeks ago. After several weeks of CT scans and blood work the diagnosis of West Nile was made.
There is no cure for the virus and Miller was told to drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest.
To prevent mosquito bites and reduce the risk of WNV, the State Department of Health recommends the following personal precautions:
• Use mosquito repellents (DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR3535) and limit exposure by wearing pants and long sleeves in the evening.
• Limit time outdoors from dusk to midnight when Culex mosquitoes are most active.
• Get rid of standing water that gives mosquitoes a place to breed.
• Support local mosquito control efforts.
Personal precautions are especially important for those at high risk for WNV – people over 50, pregnant women, transplant patients, individuals with diabetes or high blood pressure and those with a history of alcohol abuse. People with severe or unusual headaches should see their physicians.
Three mosquito pools have tested positive for WNV so far this season in South Dakota, two in Brookings County and one in Hughes County. All of the positive pools were Culex tarsalis, the primary carrier of the virus in South Dakota.

THE LUCAS 2 is demonstrated on a dummy during an EMT meeting in the Community Center.

The Sanborn County Ambulance Association has recently purchased a LUCAS 2 Chest Compression System to aid EMTs in the event of a cardiac arrest and increase the possibility of positive outcomes in these incidences.
The LUCAS 2 electronically performs chest compressions on cardiac arrest patients. A long plastic piece is placed underneath the patient to stabilize the apparatus. This hooks to an arc-like piece with a compression arm. The LUCAS 2 performs compressions tirelessly according to CPR guidlines, with each of two batteries lasting more than long enough to continue all the way to the hospital.
According to the LUCAS Web site, the device claims that studies have shown that LUCAS compressions are able to sustain a higher blood flow to the brain and heart compared to manual compressions. The LUCAS 2 can do this without the imperfections of human fatigue or error. The device is portable and fits inside a backpack for easy transport.
The Sanborn County Ambulance Association began fundraising for the LUCAS 2 last fall. The Sanborn County Commissioners agreed to match any funds raised up to half the amount of the device. The total cost of the LUCAS 2 was $15,000 and the Ambulance Association had raised the $7,500 to cover half of it by late spring.
The Ambulance Association is grateful for the donations they’ve received to purchase the LUCAS 2 and are optimistic it can help bring more positive outcomes in situations where CPR must be employed.

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