Woonsocket School administration made a goal for this school year to improve their attendance rate. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the school’s daily average attendance was at 97 percent, but since the pandemic, it has hovered at about 94.5 percent, so the administration has set a goal to work on improving that number.
According to an article written by Sarah Mervosh and Francesca Paris for The New York Times in March of this year, “In the four years since the pandemic closed schools, U.S. education has struggled to recover on a number of fronts, from learning loss, to enrollment, to student behavior. But perhaps no issue has been as stubborn and pervasive as a sharp increase in student absenteeism, a problem that cuts across demographics and has continued long after schools reopened.” Thus, the problem is not just in Sanborn County but is a nationwide issue.
Woonsocket’s superintendent, Dr. Rod Weber, and Sanborn Central’s superintendent, Mr. Corey Flatten, both reported that good attendance is essential to receiving a good education. They both understand that the use of technology has made it easier for a student to stay caught up on their schoolwork, but just getting the work completed doesn’t mean the student is comprehending anything. “Technology is just an extension of education; explanation and instruction from the teacher are key building blocks to a student’s learning,” stated Flatten. “There is no way to replace a good teacher and the immediate one-on-one help they can provide.”
…Read on and see an additional picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!