Archive for 2013

    Lutherans Outdooors in SD-NeSoDak led a Day Camp for K-5 graders in Woonsocket on June 10-13.
Fifty-one youth attended this year’s Day Camp.  The young people gathered all week for fun, fellowship and learning. The camp centered at the Woonsocket Community Center with many activities taking place around the lake. Activities included nature experiences, Bible studies, community service, games, crafts and songs.
The children planted flowers in the planters located on Dumont Ave. and on Thursday they visited Prairie View Care Center, where the songs and readings were very well received by the residents. Thursday evening the parents, grandparents and friends enjoyed a program of songs, sharing of the week’s activities and a vividly portrayed lesson on “Sharing the Love.”

Camp leaders from the Lutherans Outdoors SD-NeSoDak organization lead a group of campers in some songs Wednesday morning.

Leading the learning and fun were a group of camp counselors from Lutherans Outdoors-NeSoDak. They were assisted by several very capable teen volunteers from the Woonsocket, Letcher and Forestburg communities. Snacks and a hot noon meal were served each day by the women of the Lutheran/Methodist Parish and on the closing day each participant received a beautiful T-shirt portraying this year’s theme, “God is Right Here, Right Now.”
The camp is sponsored by the Lutheran/Methodist Parish with financial assistance from Thrivent Financial and is open to all children of the community.
Lutherans Outdoors in South Dakota welcomes all to explore and experience Christ’s love in community and creation.  Day Camp is a ministry that brings camp to the youth in our local communities. They also have many camping opportunities for people of all ages in their five camps across South Dakota. More information can be found at
Campers attending the Day Camp are pictured above.

Reresentatives from First Lutheran Church of Artesian, St. Charles Catholic Church of Artesian and Forestburg Lutheran Church met June 14 and decided to start a pilot program called Sanborn Snack Pack Program at Sanborn Central School for the 2013-14 school year.
Coordinators are: Nancy Sullivan and Tambi Wormstadt, First Lutheran Church, Mary Unterbrunner and Wanda Effling, St. Charles Catholic Church, and Wanda Swenson and Dawn Rassel, Forestburg Lutheran Church.
Snack Packs will be sent home with qualifying school age students for weekend nutrition during the school year.  The Sanborn Central School has agreed to determine the number of bags needed and will distribute the bags at the school. Informational letters about the program will be sent home to parents at the beginning of the school year along with a permission slip that must be signed prior to any student receiving a Snack Pack.
Businesses and individuals are encouraged to support the program through donations. An account will be set up at CorTrust Bank.

Back row (left to right): Intern Gina Dethlefsen, Jared Goldammer, Riley Zoss, Matt Terkildsen, Nathan Linke, Riley Schmiedt, Ty Ziebart, Drew Olinger and Shaun Snedeker; front row: Kassidy Clark, Casondra Gerlach, Abby Dethlefsen, Kaylee Clark and Aaron Linke.

On Friday, May 31, 14 4-H members from Aurora and Sanborn counties accompanied Audra Scheel on a Mystery Trip. Leaving at 8 in the morning, these youth had no idea where they were headed and their guesses throughout the day even included a fishing trip after they turned toward Lake Norden.
The first stop was at the Davisco Cheese Factory in Lake Norden. This tour took the group through the mozzarella cheese making process, from the milk being unloaded to the end where the cheese was being boxed and packaged. Every day 3,000,000 lbs. of milk is processed into 300,000 lbs. of cheese.
Lunch was at the “Bull Pen” in Lake Norden and then went next door to the Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame. It was interesting to see how many local people are in the Hall of Fame.
From there we headed to Brookings, where the Mystery Trip took us to the SDSU Wellness Center, which was recently constructed in 2008. It was there 4-Hers got to climb the rock wall! This was a huge hit as none of them had ever tried this experience. We had some great climbers. Every one of us made an attempt, even those of us who are scared of heights!
After two hours of climbing the rock wall, the group then went over to the SDSU Dairy building where we received a tour of the facilities. We saw where they make the ice cream and cheese, cooled off in their big freezer, and indulged in a well deserved treat of SDSU ice cream.
The Mystery Trip was sponsored by a mini-grant received from the South Dakota 4-H Leaders.

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