Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Sean Gromer, Angie Larson, and Angie Meier in attendance. Visitors were Andy and Melissa Ettswold.
A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the February 12th, 2024, minutes as read.
A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the financials as presented.
Old Business:
Update on water meters: Lance Conrad is still working on them. He’s having trouble getting a hold of customers.
Discussion was held on purchasing a gas tank for the back of the town truck. Meier talked with insurance, and they will cover it, and it will be added on to the inland marine portion of the policy. Then, the Board will have fuel for the town mower and truck.
A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve to purchase a gas tank for the back of the town truck.
Andy and Melissa Ettswold were visitors to the meeting tonight to talk about the grants the Letcher Summer Youth Program has received for the ballpark. They have received an ALM grant for $2,500.00 to be put towards fixing the dugouts at the ballpark. The dugouts need to have concrete laid in them because of the hole. It is a hazard for someone to fall in and could get hurt. Also, they are looking at putting tin on the back of the dugouts to protect from the weather. Also, they are needing to look at if there is something they can do to tighten the chain link fence so it is not so loose.
They also received an $18,000 grant from the Sam Weller Foundation. With this grant, it has to be put towards the back stop. They are looking at different options to see what the better price is. The information will be brought to the next board meeting. They are thinking to help save with cost, they will have to have the parents help with the installation of the back stop.
Also discussed at the meeting were the lights at the ballpark. They had a lot of complaints last year about it being so dark and shadowed, and with them playing Teeners baseball, youth baseball and youth softball, the lights all need to work. Morris Electric gave an estimate to fix lights last year. A. Ettswold is going to talk to him to see if the Board does decide on LED lights, if they need to have as many lights on a pole and get a better estimate on what it would cost to fix. The town is looking at helping/paying to get these fixed.
Update on the ballfield: Chada is going to be contacting Pro-Contracting and have them come up and see what it will cost to cement the dugouts. Also, he is contacting Tanner Cross about getting prices for posts and installing the posts as he did the backstops in Mount Vernon and Salem. A. Ettswold is going to contact State Steel on the price for galvanized posts. Discussion was also held on the lights at the ballpark. A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried to approve to purchase 40 infield lights at $340.00 a light for the ballpark and take the lights that work from the infield and place them in the outfield lights that don’t work.
New Business:
Meier talked to the board for Janet Maeschen, as she was unable to attend, about the 4-H group planting some trees throughout the Town of Letcher for Arbor Day. A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the 4-H group to plant trees.
A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:
General and Water/Sewer: Public Health Lab – $15.00 – Water – Sample, NorthWestern Energy – $1,645.54 – Rossy Park – $27.86, Ballpark – $41.38, Community Center – $368.42, Street Lights – $774.92, Water Plant – $241.34, Water Valve – $85.20, Lift Station – $89.49, Lagoon – $16.93 – Utilities – Electric, Davison Rural Water – $5,244.55 – Water Used, Mark Chada – $106.50 – Repairs/Main Water, On-Sight – $98.39 – Cameras, USDA – $156.00 – Water Tower Loan.
The next board meeting will be held on March 4th, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the town office.
Angie Meier
Finance Officer
Published once on March 7, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $42.50 and may be viewed free of charge at