Archive for 2013

Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on June 10th,  2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Gary Steichen, Jason White, Darrin Uttecht, Jim Grassel and Todd Olinger. Also attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Chris Selland and Lisa Snedeker. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the meeting agenda with two additional items to come before the Board. Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on May 13, 2013 and the special board meeting held on May 20, 2013 were approved as presented on a motion by Jason White, seconded by Darrin Uttecht.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Jason White, the Board approved the claims presented and the May 2013 financial report as follows:  Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND beginning balance: $854,109.55. Add receipts: Taxes $194,523.78; Interest $983.61; Other local $520.42; State $47,726.00; Federal $0.00;   Total to be accounted for: $1,097,863.36;  less disbursements $106,179.23;  Cash balance: $991,684.13; Fund Balance: $991,684.13.
CAPITAL OUTLAY beginning balance: $516,685.27. Add receipts: Taxes $82,942.51; Other local $0.00; Federal $5,439.00; Total to be accounted for:  $605,066.78;  less disbursements $3,553.22; Cash balance: $601,513.56; Fund balance:  $601,513.56.
SPECIAL EDUCATION beginning balance:  $206,369.33.  Add receipts:  Taxes $41,481.60;  Other Local $0.00;  State $0.00;  Federal $0.00;  Total to be accounted for: $247,850.93;   less disbursements $11,112.61;  Cash balance: $236,738.32;    Fund balance: $236,738.32.
PENSION beginning balance:  $161,331.54. Add receipts: Taxes $12,423.21; Total to be accounted for: $173,754.75; less disbursements $0.00. Fund balance: $173,754.75.
FOOD SERVICE beginning balance: $16,789.83.  Add receipts:  Pupil receipts $1,236.85; Adult receipts $306.80;  Milk receipts $34.00;  Ala’Carte receipts $810.20; Interest $.68;  Other local $0.00;  State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $5,175.54; Total to be accounted for: $24,353.90; less disbursements $8,867.38; Cash  balance: $15,486.52.;  Fund balance: $15,486.52.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53 beginning balance:  $7,653.47. Add receipts: Local $1,694.00;  Total to be accounted for: $9,347.47;  less disbursements $2,080.78; Fund balance:  $7,266.69.
TRUST AND AGENCY beginning balance: $25,819.14.  Add receipts: Interest $1.09;  Pupil activities $1,134.15;  Total to be accounted for: $26,954.38; less disbursements $1,802.24; Fund balance $25,152.14.
Salaries and benefits for the month of May 2013 were as follows:
General Fund:   $85,592.43
Special Education:  $7,101.14
Enterprise Fund: $2,080.78
Food Service:  $4,403.50
General Fund
American Legion Post #29, Flags (2)    50.00
Business Products, Inc., Business Office/Printer Cartridge/Supplies 188.44
Cedar Shore, Lodging – Conference – R. Weber 121.95
City of Woonsocket, Water Service 61.00
Darin’s Market, Supplies 141.07
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Minibus 1,080.06
Foreman Sales & Service, Inc., Regular Route (2,340) 5,204.00
Hillyard, Custodian Supplies 110.80
Hotchkiss, Jeff, Repair Steps – Pre-K Building 100.00
J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc., Vocal Music 45.84
James River Equipment, Mower Blades 66.66
KO’s Pro Service, Repair Services 57.30
Local Lumber, Shop Supplies/Step Repair Materials 159.28
Menards, Shop Supplies 11.16
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service 2,385.87
Petty Cash, Postage Expense 6.28
R&L Sanitary Service, Sanitary Services 250.00
Sanborn Central School, Shared  Services/Contracts/Co-Op Share 21,801.96
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications 257.98
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet 293.11
Sasd, Membership Dues – P. Lynch/C. Selland 574.05
Senska, Gwen, Elementary Honors Choir Fees/Supplies 24.03
Sun Gold Trophies, Inc., Awards/Pins 33.00
Upstart, Reading Program Supplies 53.00
US Post Office, Post Office Box Rent – Annual 80.00
VanDenHemel, James, Reimbursement – Shop Supplies 21.28
Walmart, Graduation Supplies 35.18
Waste Management of Huron, Garbage Service 557.34
Way Station Flowers, Graduation Decorations 54.00
Wolsey-Wessington School, Guidance Counselor Shared Contract (40 Percent) 20,378.14
Fund Total: 54,202.78
Capital Outlay
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease 813.94
First National Bank South Dakota, Annual Building Payment – Principle/Interest 73,845.00
Santel Communications, Annual Loan Payment – Building 30,000.00
Fund Total: 104,658.94
Special Education
Amazon, Special Education Supplies 56.07
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services 749.58
James Valley Education Co-op, Consortium Payment 11,151.00
Parent/Guardian, Parent/Guardian Mileage 159.10
Jenssen, Gloria,  Transportation Services 20.00
Sanborn Central School, Shared Services – Speech (50 Percent)   11,639.51
Schlicht, Shelley, Transportation Services 20.00
Spurs, Client Services 100.00
University of South Dakota, Client Services 86.00
Fund Total: 23,981.26
Enterprise Fund #53
Express 2, Gas – Drivers Ed 48.00
Fund Total: 48.00
Food Service
Ameripride Services, Laundry Service 12.90
Chemical Sanitizing Systems, Dishwasher Rent 49.00
Child and Adult Nutrition, Food 329.55
Cwd, Food/Supplies 52.80
Darin’s Market, Supplies 41.10
Earthgrains Company, Food 87.38
School Nutrition Association, State Conference – J. Bebout/B. Foos 190.00
Variety Food, Food/Supplies 787.25
Fund Total: 1,549.98
Chris Selland presented the financial report and the 2013-14 budget with supporting schedules.
Superintendent Weber advised that summer maintenance projects were underway and the District will be looking to hire a Special Education Para-Educator for next year.
Principal Paula Lynch advised that the consolidated application (Title 1) was in the process of being completed and the Elementary Staff  had met with Sanborn Central Elementary Staff to review the proposed new math series as they were looking at purchasing the same one.
Motion was made by Darrin Uttecht, with a second by Jason White, to approve the 2013-2014 salary schedule as attached (Amendment A).  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a special meeting to be held on June 26, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. in the commons area of the high school for the purpose of approving budget supplements for the 2012-2013 fiscal year.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, to approve the 2013-2014 budget (Amendment B) and set the annual budget hearing for July 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Library. Motion was seconded by Jason White and motion carried.
Motion was made by Darrin Uttecht, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve the following items to complete the balance of the 2013-2014 technology plan:
• 30  i-Pad Mini’s – Up to $11,000.00;
• One Brentford Cart – Up to $3,000.00;
• 10 i-Pads (Elementary Faculty – Up to $4,500.00;
• One Smartboard (Sixth Grade) – Up to $4,500.00;
• 30 Licenses – Google software   –   Up to $1,000.00;
• 20 Laptops  (replacements) – Up to $14,000.00.
These technology items will be purchased from the Capital Outlay Fund. Motion carried.
Jason White moved to approve membership in ASBSD (Associated School Boards of SD) for 2013-2104 with a second by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White, to approve the purchase of eight new elementary desks for the Kindergarten classroom. Desks will be purchased from School Specialty at a cost of $2,123.68 to be charged to the Capital Outlay Fund. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jason White to approve the following candidate votes for the South Dakota High School Activities Association runoff election:
Division II Representative – Dan Whalen;
Large School Group Representative – Mike Miller.
Motion was seconded by Gary Steichen and motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the June 10, 2013 regular meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was officially adjourned at 7:37  p.m. on a motion made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
Business Manager

Sanborn Central School Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes June 10, 2013

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Conference Room with the following present: Austerman, Miller, Olson, Schmit and VanLaecken. Others present were Superintendent Whitney, Principal Vermeulen, Business Manager Bechen and Clayton Dean.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Austerman, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by VanLaecken, seconded by Olson, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting May 13, 2013 as printed.
Visitors to Board meeting: Clayton Dean.
Motion by Olson, seconded by Austerman, all aye, to approve the financial statement and bills.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by VanLaecken, all aye, to approve supplements to 2012-2013 budget.
General Fund balance May 1, 2013: 155,127.44. Receipts: taxes 299,898.17, penalties/interest 28.60, interest 12.99, pupil activity 224.91, other activity 20.47, state fines 1,768.07, state aid 37,331.00, CD interest 10,713.78, admission 260.86, annuals 1,751.00, mje 258.00. Expenditures: 139,865.47.  Balance May 31, 2013: 367,529.82. Invested 25,000.00.  CorTrust Savings balance May 1, 2013: 407,961.58. Receipts: interest 0.00. Balance May 31, 2013: 407,961.58.
Capital Outlay Fund balance May 1, 2013: 637,074.28. Receipts: taxes 181,422.29, penalties/interest 5.37, interest 29.07. Expenditures 10,075.52. Balance May 31, 2013: 808,455.49.
Special Education Fund balance May 1, 2013: 436,195.65. Receipts: taxes 4,214.11, penalties/interest 0.70, interest 14.84, mje 167.98. Expenditures 20,555.74. Balance May 31, 2013: 420,037.54. CorTrust Savings balance May 1, 2013: 1,869.37. Receipts: interest 0.00. Balance May 31, 2013: 1,869.37.
Pension Fund balance May 1, 2013: 92,746.01. Receipts: taxes 8,371.84, penalties/interest 0.04, interest 3.71. Expenditures: 0.00. Balance May 31, 2013: 101,121.60.
Food Service Fund balance May 1, 2013: 24,145.36. Receipts: interest 1.24, federal reimbursement 5,251.03, student meals 7,773.64, adult meals 931.90, lunch certification 166.50. Expenditures 11,719.15, mje 453.30. Balance May 31, 2013: 26,097.22.
Enterprise Fund balance May 1, 2013: (1,204.90). Receipts: drivers education payments 1,375.00. Expenditures 0.00. Balance May 31, 2013: 170.10.
Scholarship Fund balance May 1, 2013: 20,876.71. Receipts: interest 0.93, Expenditures: 0.00. Balance May 31, 2013: 20,877.64. Peters Scholarship balance: 20,377.59; Nelson Scholarship balance: 500.05.
Trust and Agency Funds balance May 1, 2013: 43,961.39. Receipts 3,328.67. Expenditures 8,099.73.  Balance May 31, 2013: 39,190.33.
Salaries and benefits for the month of June, 2013 were as follows:
General Fund: 120,927.33;
Special Education: 18,411.82;
Food Service: 5,701.87.
Claims approved:
GENERAL FUND – A & B Business, copier maintenance 309.45; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent 11.70, repair arc equipment 122.25; Aero-Dyna Kleen Services, boiler maintenance 325.00; Allied Insurance, crime/notary bond 283.00; Automatic Building Controls, fire alarm repair 658.92; Campbells Supply, janitor supply 29.99; Card Services, teacher meeting supply 15.78, middle school supply 9.49, 200 club supply 9.52; Cedar Shore Resort, conference room 121.95; Jenny Easton, reimburse mileage vocal judge 6.66; Farmers Elevator, bus supply 44.15; Foreman Sales & Service, bus supply 22.68; Hartford Steam Boiler Co., boiler certification fee 45.00; Hillyard, janitor supply 456.87, scrubber repair 170.00;
[IMPREST: Hanson School District, junior high track fee 40.00; Howard Wood Dakota Relays, high school track fee 50.00; Tim McCain, state track student meals 60.00; Mitchell Christian High School, high school track fee 100.00; Way Station, eighth graduation flowers 61.00];
Josten’s, Inc., middle school covers 99.88; Jeannette Knigge, reimburse supply 45.38; KO’s Pro Service, janitor supply 20.98; Tim McCain, reimburse meals 35.00; Menards, bus barn supply 34.39; Olsen Implement, bus supply 51.77; Patterson, Portable Toilets, porta-pots soccer 135.00; Petty Cash, postage 28.67, middle school supply 5.26; Ramkota Hotel, state track rooms 359.97; Sanborn Weekly Journal, bid notices/proceedings 162.81, openings 48.00, preschool/child find 72.00; Scott Supply, lawn mower supply 28.66; South Dakota School Superintendents Association, 2013 conference fee 150.00; Sherwin Williams, paint 183.95; ShopKo, middle school supply 35.39, 200 club supply 55.00; Sun Gold Sports, cheer plaque plate 7.00, reading trophies 21.90, plate with engraving 3.50; Thomas Bus Sales, bus supply 289.62; Thunes True Value, keys 2.50; VISA air cards 386.28, janitor supply 66.64, treadmill repair 465.54; Wessington Springs High School, 2013 region track expense 260.70; Wheelco, bus supply 326.84; Wolsey-Wessington School, 20 percent guidance services 10,189.06; Woonsocket School District, drums 50.00.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund – Brooks Oil Co., diesel 4,583.25; Central Electric, phase 1 AC 24,683.72; Farmers Elevator, gas 1,376.00; First National Bank South Dakota, co certificates interest 9,517.50; Mebius Nursery, seed/fertilizer/labor football field 2,124.22; Santel Communications, rural development loan payment 4,166.67.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – James Valley Education Coop, psych service 1,814.00, part-time service 2,431.00, over-time service 3,329.00, admimistrative service 3,786.00; Sioux Falls School District, April/May tuition 1,638.35.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food 119.47; Country Pumper, gas to meeting 42.75; Darrington Water Conditioning, water softener 13.60; Dean Foods, milk 360.87; Earthgrains, bread  28.80; Reinhart, food 783.88, supply 63.62; School Nutrition Association of South Dakota, conf erenceregistration 285.00, recertification fee 105.00; Walmart, supplies 23.90.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by VanLaecken, all aye, to approve supplements to 2012-2013 budget resolution #2.
General Fund: high school salary 6,000.00, guidance professional service 10,200.00, buses salary 1,000.00, buses supply 3,100.00, girls basketball travel 4,700.00, co-curricular supply 900.00, Means of Finance General Fund surplus cash 25,900.00.
Capital Outlay Fund: elementary computer equipment 100.00, colony textbooks 100.00, maintenance improve building 24,700.00, maintenance improve grounds 2,130.00, buses supply 5,960.00, food service software maintenance 1,130.00. Means of Finance Capital Outlay surplus cash 34,120.00.
Special Ed Fund: mild/mod salaries 12,500.00, Idea 611 oasi 70.00, mild/mod retirement 1,300.00, Idea 611 retirement 150.00, tuition 7,950.00, co-op administration service 40.00, co-op administration service 50.00. Means of Finance Special Ed surplus cash 22,060.00.
Mrs. Whitney reported on the following:
• Cleaning, painting, and mowing of the facilities and grounds are moving along this summer;
• School buses were inspected and all passed on June 10 in Mitchell;
• Central Electric Phase 3 proposal for air conditioning options;
• Lightning struck close to school on May 25 causing phone lines to go out and the voicemail system with claim being filed with insurance company;
• Recognizing Jessica Schmit for being chosen to attend the Central Electric Washington, D.C. trip this summer and to Shelby Selland for having the top score and being selected to the forensics team at this year’s Girl’s State with kudos to Tracy Moody for preparing her in her science classes;
• Discussed the generator provided by the Sanborn County Emergency Management being moved to the 4-H building due to the difficulty in electrical wiring of the system here at the school; and
• An upcoming Legislative Interim Committee studying education meeting being held at Mitchell Technical Institute on Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m.
Mrs. Vermeulen reported on the Wellness Policy Workshop that she and Joyce Everhart went to in Chamberlain last week.
Other discussion items: weighted grading scale and criteria for Rebel of the Year.
Motion by Austerman, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the contract for Krista Evenson as the fourth grade teacher at SCES for the 2013-14 school year.
Motion by VanLaecken, seconded by Olson, all aye, to approve the contract for Susan Farrell-Poncelet as the middle school language arts teacher for the 2013-14 school year.
Motion by Olson, seconded by Austerman, all aye, to approve South Dakota High School Activities Association voting for Dan Whalen for the Division II Representative and James Hansen for the Large School Group Board of Education Representative.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Austerman, all aye, to declare several older computers and other older technology/media items surplus to be given away or taken to a free recycling company.
The next regular Board meeting will be held on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room in Forestburg.
Motion by VanLaecken, seconded by Olson, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Rick Miller
Board Chair

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Lindy Peterson at 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 3, 2013 with the following members present: Richard Reider, Richard Regynski, John Ames, Don Schmidt, Brandon Goergen and Jim Steichen. Tara Weber was absent, Brandon Goergen was appointed to keep notes.
Motion by Regynski, seconded by Steichen, to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.
May 6, 2013 minutes were tabled.
Financial Statement was tabled.
Motion by Reider, seconded by Schmidt, to approve the bills. Also $300.00 to the Woonsocket Community Club for clean-up. Motion carried.
June bills were approved:
Benders $514.00 Sewer
Colonial Research $504.22 Sewer
Dick’s Welding $150.00 Parks
Department of Environment and Natural Resources $300.00 Water Permit
Darin’s Market $59.77 Shop
Doug’s Custom Paint $119.46  Mower
Express 2 $576.80 Shop
Fastenal Company $5.19 Shop
Palace Motor Sports $203.52  Parks
Honda of Mitchell $527.74 Parks
Hawkins Water $1,988.01 Water/Pool
KO’s Pro Service $117.54 Shop
Local Lumber & Supply $14.70 Parks
Larson & Nipe $80.00 Professional
Milbank Winwater $2,831.30 Water
Menards $619.88 Parks
NorthWestern Power Service $2,210.15 Utilities
Powerplan $296.76 Shop
Santel Communications $221.00 Phone
Sanborn Weekly Journal $613.83 Publishing
Superior Lamp $331.11 Shop
Department of Revenue $39.00 Water
Supplemental Retirement $270.00 Steve
United Laboratories $348.84 Shop
Woonsocket School $6,558.72 Library
Waste Management $4,770.13  Garbage
Dakota Plumbing $306.12 Sewer
Wipf Radiator Repair $235.00 Parks
South Dakota Retirement Plan $1,432.54  Retirement
First National Bank South Dakota $5,464.78 Payroll Tax
Department of Revenue $205.48 Sales Tax
Northwest Pipe Fitting $248.52 Pool
MARC $2,944.48 Pool
Total: $35,108.59
Motion by Regynski, seconded by Steichen, to approve the following Malt Beverage Package License:
Schmiedt Enterprises,  Darin’s Market,     Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage;
Express Stop LLC,  Express 2, Package (off-sale) Malt Beverage;
Express Stop LLC, Express Stop, Retail (on-off sale) Malt Beverage.
Dock – Tabled.
Employee Evaluations – Tabled.
Cemetery Road – Discussed patching and using second penny sales tax money to make improvements.
Pool – Discussion on heating
Old Water Tower was discussed. Motion by Ames, seconded by Schmidt, to remove replacement value insurance. Motion carried.
Water Rates – Tabled.
7:45 p.m. Sheriff Fridley entered.
Dog Ordinance was discussed. Weber will look into new aggressive dog ordinance.
8:00 p.m. Sheriff Fridley exited.
Summer help wages were set.
Dumpground was discussed. Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Ames, to hire Phillip Hinker to level. Motion carried.
Close Alley – Tabled.
Olinger Road – Discussion was held on getting the street cleaned.
Swan was discussed. Motion by Ames, seconded by Regynski, to purchase a male swan. Motion carried.
Park Bench was discussed.
Council discussed the recent insurance inspection.
Relay for Life will be in Woonsocket on July 27th.
Council discussed several Ordinances.
Council discussed streets that will be paved this summer.
Discussion was held on the following items:
Street Dance – Jeff Poyer will have to work with the Post Office on a time for closing the street and also will be in charge of clean-up.
On June 15th a benefit will be held for the Larson Family.
House removal.
Lots for sale.
Storm Drains.
Community Club.
With no further business to be discussed. Motion by Reider, seconded by Schmidt, to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. Meeting adjourned.
Lindy Peterson
Council Member

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