Archive for 2013

Artesian Town Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes August 7, 2013

The Town of Artesian Council met on August 7, 2013 in regular session at the Artesian Community Center. Council Member Effling called the meeting to order with Council Members Richard and Danek, Tom Fridley and Finance Officer Ebersdorfer present.
The minutes of the July 10, 2013  meeting were read. Motion to approve by Danek, seconded by Richard. Motion carried. Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek, to approve the Financial Statement and approval of vouchers as presented by Ebersdorfer. Motion carried.
The following vouchers were presented for the month:
Monthly Disbursements July 31, 2013:
USDA, Sanitation 767.89, Sanitation  348.11
Molly Ebersdorfer, General 500.00,  Sanitation 105.95
Dawson Construction, Sanitation 1,178.00
Xcel Energy, General 1,264.23
Fire Department, General    125.00
Farmers Elevator, General 8.36
Payroll Expense, General 166.45
Ryan Pearson, General 425.00
Tom Fridley, General 336.00, Sanitation 154.00, General 38.48
Kurt’s Repair, General 164.57
Sanborn Weekly Journal, General 297.97
Artesian Fire Department, General  500.00
Lara Brink, General 1,185.75
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Streets: Mowing was discussed.
Sewer/Garbage: Reviewed accounts receivable and discussion was held on past due accounts.
Pool/Campground: Closing August 22.
New Business:
Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek, to accept the following Surplus Property bids:
All of Lot Sixteen (16) through Twenty (16-20), inclusive, Block Eleven (11), Original Plat, Artesian Town, Sanborn County, South Dakota; and Lot Fourteen (14) Through Fifteen (15)  Block Eleven (11), Original Plat, Artesian Town, Sanborn County, South Dakota; Motion carried.
Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek, to accept the Clean up Bid of two building sites from Todd Hvam. Motion carried.
First reading of the 2014 Budget.
The Council Members would like to thank Karen Lambert for her seven hours of community service.
The next meeting will be September 4, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the Artesian Community Center.
There being no further business brought before the Council, meeting adjourned.
Finance Officer
Town of Artesian
Kurt Effling
Council Member

Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on August 12th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Gary Steichen, Todd Olinger and Jason White.  Jim Grassel and Darrin Uttecht were absent due to prior commitments. Others attending were: Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Chris Selland and Jason Bruce. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Jason White, the Board approved the meeting agenda with one additional item to come before the Board.   Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on July 8th, 2013 were approved as presented on a motion by Jason White seconded by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Jason White, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the July 2013 financial report as follows:  Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND beginning balance: $1,096,171.43. Add receipts:  Taxes $6,039.55; Interest $1,106.56; Other local $17,709.79; State $49,102.00; Federal 0.00;  Total to be accounted for: $1,170,129.33; less disbursements $106,355.64; Cash balance: $1,063,773.69;  less contracts and accounts payable $65,847.45; plus accounts receivable $46,705.45; Fund Balance: $1,044,631.69.
CAPITAL OUTLAY beginning balance: $501,421.32. Add receipts:  Taxes $2,413.55;  Other local $0.00;  Total to be accounted for: $503,834.87;  less disbursements $5,340.43;   Cash balance: $498,494.44;  less accounts payable $0.00;  Fund balance:  $498,494.44.
SPECIAL EDUCATION beginning balance:  $264,116.00. Add receipts:  Taxes $1,217.11; Other Local $0.00;  State $0.00;  Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $265,333.11;  less disbursements $9,628.84;  Cash balance: $255,704.27;  Less contracts and accounts payable $6,113.13;  Fund balance: $249,591.14.
PENSION beginning balance: $146,720.89. Add receipts: Taxes $356.44; Other Local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $147,077.33;  less disbursements $0.00. Fund balance: $147,077.33.
FOOD SERVICE beginning balance: $13,802.18. Add receipts: Pupil receipts $0.00;  Adult receipts $0.00;  Milk receipts $0.00;  Interest $.47;  Other local $40.00;  State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $13,802.65;  less disbursements $5,872.60; Cash  balance: $7,930.05; Less contracts/accounts payable $4,439.15; Fund balance: $3,490.90.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53 beginning balance:  $6,318.60.  Add receipts: Local $0.00;  Total to be accounted for:  $6,318.60;  less disbursements $1,573.58; Cash balance: $4,745.02; Less contracts/accounts payable $1,316.37; Fund balance:  $3,428.65.
TRUST AND AGENCY beginning balance: $24,434.33.  Add receipts: Interest $1.04.;  Pupil activities $2,920.00;  Total to be accounted for: $27,355.37; less disbursements $3,457.25; Fund balance: $23,898.12.
Salaries and benefits for the month of July 2013 were as follows:
General Fund: $87,471.86
Special Education: $6,113.22
Enterprise #53: $1,316.46
Food Service: $4,394.40
Chris Selland gave the financial report.
General Fund
Bio Corporation, High School Science Supplies 226.10
Boystown Press, Guidance Materials 93.25
Brown & Saenger, High School Supplies 71.54
City of Woonsocket, Water Service 61.00
Dakota Roadhouse/Skeeters, Reading Awards 25.50
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Mowers 716.31
Ffa, Annual General Fund  Contribution 1,000.00
Foreman Sales & Service, Inc., Mini-Bus Maintenance 178.45
Frey Scientific, High School Science Supplies 47.63
Groth Music, Elementary Music Supplies 93.84
Hauff Mid-America Sports, Inc., Basketballs/Volleyballs 870.90
High Plains Technology, Lcd Projector Lamps 212.00
Hillyard, Custodian Supplies 530.68
Hinker, Judy, Reimburmsent – Mileage – CommonCore/Stamps 99.24
KO’s Pro Service, Belts 20.00
Lakeshore, Kindergarten/Speech Supplies 74.73
Local Lumber, Custodian Supplies 267.65
McGraw-Hill, Kindergarten Workbooks  515.50
Menard’s, Custodian Supplies 1,436.73
Midwest Fire, Fire System Service 132.00
Nasco, High School Math Supplies 222.88
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service 3,678.02
Petty Cash, Postage Expense 22.72
Quill Corporation, Elementary Supplies 243.42
Ramkota, Lodging – Superintendent Conference 177.98
Renaissance Learning, Inc., Acr Reading Annual Fee 1,186.50
Rews TV & Appliance, Ice Machine Repairs 108.00
Rodriguez, Armando, Reimburse Background Check 43.25
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications 655.79
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet 281.23
Scholastic, Classroom Subscriptions 560.28
Success By Design, Student Planners – Elementary 232.36
Teacher Direct, Elementary Supplies 60.40
Teachers Helper, Elementary Supplies 58.16
Training Room, Athletic Supplies 786.37
Walmart, Summer Reading/Journalism  Camera  564.03
Waste Management of Huron, Garbage Service 567.38
Fund Total: 16,121.82
Capital Outlay
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease 840.20
Apple, Inc., iPads/Power Cart 15,859.95
Avi Systems, Smartboard 3,452.00
DB Electric, Electric Service Work 2,473.13
Hewlett-Packard Co., Network Server/Equipment 5,112.75
Houghton Mifflin, Pre-K Curriculum, High School Curriculum 6,711.60
Local Lumber, Cabinets/Counters – Elementary Workroom 1,655.92
Lulu,  High School Curriculum – Sports Psych. 602.27
McGraw-Hill, High School Textbooks 1,457.37
Menard’s, Custodian Supplies/Carpet Tile 1,100.40
Northwest Pipe Fittings, Elementary Water Cooler 1,114.90
Promevo, Chrome Book License 1,200.00
Sandness, Gary, Ceiling Tile/Installation – Elementary 2,105.60
TC Enterprises, Electrical Work/Motor 1,285.91
Fund Total: 44,972.00
Special Education
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services 628.68
Parent/Guardian, Parent – Guardian Mileage     238.65
Jenssen, Gloria, Special Education Transportation 20.00
Kim, Moody, Special Education Transportation 58.80
Lakeshore, Kindergarten/Speech Supplies 34.99
Lifequest, Client Services 3,814.30
Lingui Systems, Inc., Speech Supplies 43.95
Super Duper Publications, Speech Supplies 292.60
University of South Dakota, Special Education Evaluation 1,000.00
Fund Total: 6,131.97
Enterprise Fund #53
Scholastic, Classroom Subscriptions 54.89
United Energy/Farmer’s Alliance, Propane Tank – Annual Leases 56.16
Fund Total: 111.05
Food Service
Amdahl, Della , Aflac – Return Premiun From Prior Year 44.58
Bebout, Julie, Gas Reimbursement/Parking – National Convention 191.51
Quill Corporation, Elementary/Food Service Supplies 49.74
Ramkota, Lodging State Food Service Convention  167.98
United Energy/Farmer’s Alliance, Propane Tank – Annual Lease 49.92
Fund Total:503.73
Superintendent Weber advised that there is another round of Homeland Security Grants that we are in the process of applying for to upgrade security features of the buildings. The State has also requested an easement to upgrade the corner sidewalks to comply with ADA standards.   The cost of the upgrades will be covered 100 percent by the State.
Superintendent Weber also advised that Julie Bebout and Becky Foos have attended the National Food Service Conference and Becky received one of 20 “Rookie” scholarships in the amount of $500.00 to help cover the cost of the conference.
The district has received enrollment paperwork for 18 new students, some of which are moving into the district and some open-enrolling.
Discussion was held on the amount of the opt-out that will need to be requested by Oct. 1st and the possibility of reducing the amount requested for the upcoming year.
Principal Paula Lynch presented the test scores for the Woonsocket District and updated the Board on the new system adopted by the State for district measurement.
Sealed bids for the surplus playhouse that was advertised were opened and the high bid from Jennifer Feistner was approved on a motion by Jason White, with a second by Gary Steichen. Bids received were as follows: Jennifer Feistner – $475.00, Ernie Anderson – $200.00. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White to approve Jill Olson’s resignation and waive liquidated damages.  Motion carried.  The Board, Administration and Staff would all like to express their appreciation for Mrs. Olson’s 31 years of dedicated service to the district.
Superintendent Weber was authorized to sign open enrollment requests on a motion by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the school audit for the fiscal year 2011-2012. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jason White, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a price of $20.00 for school annuals over five years old.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White, to approve the hire of the following new employees for school year 2013-2014:
Carrie Gutierrez (Fourth Grade)  –   $32,770.00;
Chelsea Wenzel (Counselor)  –  $29,770.00  (Will be shared 50 percent with Sanborn Central);
Carie Fry (Special Education Aid)  –  $13,450.00.
Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jason White, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the annual general fund stipend to the FFA account to help with registration fees and programs.  Motion carried.
Approval of the 2013-2014 Elementary, High School, Staff and Athletic handbooks was gained via a motion by Jason White, with a second by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Jason White, to approved membership to the South Dakota USA Group (formerly known as the Coalition of Schools).  Motion carried.
Motion was made to approve an additional day of in-service pay ($50.00) for all staff attending the new elementary math curriculum training.  Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White, and motion carried.
Motion was made by Jason White, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve Rodney Freeman of Huron as new school attorney effective immediately as Attorney Gerry Kaufman has accepted a new position.   Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve the following list of items to be declared surplus and salvage and for the district to dispose of as it sees fit:
• Three   countertops from the elementary computer lab;
•  Two   four-drawer file cabinets;
• Two   metal shelves;
• Four  TV cart stands;
• One cabinet;
• 30  broken/old-style hurdles;
• One 6’ wood fence from the green house;
• Six   TV ceiling hangers;
• 14  small computer chairs;
• 120 old elementary math books;
• 33  old American History textbooks.
Parties interested in any of these items may contact Supt. Rod Weber or Custodian Trent Clayton. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jason White, to approve an operating transfer from the general fund to the food service fund in the amount of $10,000.00 and an operating transfer of $20,000.00 from the general fund to enterprise fund #53 (Drivers Ed and Pre-K fund).  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jason White, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve a pay schedule increase from BA to BA+15 ($1,000.00 additional)  for Brett Kroeger and Lynn Klaas.  Motion carried.
Motion was made to approve an easement for the State of South Dakota to complete work on the sidewalk areas that are being upgraded by the State to comply with current ADA requirements. Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger, motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the August 12, 2013 regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. on a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
Vice Chair
Business Manager

Aug. 16 at 9:30 p.m. Timothy Wadsworth of Sioux Falls hit a deer on Highway 34 causing $3,300 damage to his 2005 Ford Focus ZX4.
Aug. 12 just after 9 p.m. Camargo Diego of Eureka hit a deer on Highway 34. There was $1,900 damage to his 2011 Ford Escape.
Aug. 3 around 9:30 p.m. Willard Head of Huron hit a deer on Highway 34 causing $3,850 damage to his 2004 Chevy Impala.
July 30 at 7:15 a.m. Steven Kayser of Mitchell hit a deer on Highway 37. There was $2,300 damage to the 2008 Chevrolet Express van owned by Heil Electric.
July 27 at 10:15 p.m. Brandy Anderson-Boardman of Ft. Pierre hit a deer on Highway 37. There was $2,000 damage to her 2003 Dodge R15.

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