Redmen Readers are pictured above, front table from left around table: Wesley Linke, Carter Linke, Josie Weber, Brooklyn Swenson, Taylor Lindsey, Taryn Ziebart, Mariah Jost and Cage Boschee; back table from left around table: Ashleigh Fry, Graceana Terkildsen, Nathan Linke, Aaron Linke, Wyatt Feistner and Lauren Johnson; not pictured: Tayla Weber and Garrett Larson.
Junior high and high school students that exceeded 40 Accelerated Reader points for the quarter were eligible for a roll/juice party with Mr. Weber.
Leading the pack with points were Nathan Linke with 175.8 points, Ashleigh Fry with 152, Graceana Terkildsen with 103.8, Josie Weber with 86.6 and Cage Boschee with 78.8.