May 2024

Mayor Mark Chada called the meeting to order with Sean Gromer, Angie Larson and Angie Meier in attendance. 

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried to approve the April 24th, 2024, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business:

Update on the ballfield:  Chada contacted Pro-Contracting, and they will be coming up in the next week to lay cement in the dugouts. Update: Pro-Contracting has laid the cement in the dugouts. Chada contacted Tanner Cross about getting prices for posts and installing the posts as he did the backstops in Mount Vernon and Salem. The Board is waiting to hear back from Cross. Update: Cross has delivered the posts for the backstop. Chada is waiting to hear back from him on the price of setting the poles. Discussion was also held on the lights at the ballpark. Morris Electric has ordered the lights. Update:  Lights will be installed once Morris Electric receives them. Update: Discussion was held on the ballpark backstop. Tanner Cross will install the poles and Melissa Ettswold will be ordering the pad and net this next week. Workdays are also planned to be coming up in the next couple of weeks, as the first game is on May 20th. Update on the ballpark: The Board is waiting on Morris Electric to install the lights. Cross has come and set the poles, hung gates, and stretched the fence. Once the pad and the net are hung, he will come back and cut off the tops of the poles and cap them. Chada and the baseball parent volunteers have been working on the backstop and the dugouts. Update:  The Shop Class at Sanborn Central is going to come to Letcher for two of their classes to hang the rest of the deck boarding for the backstop. Then, they are planning to hang the net on May 13th and are still waiting for the delivery of the pad to be done. The week of May 13th, Morris Electric is going to put up the new lights. Johnson Gravel came down to give a quote on fixing the driveway at the ballpark. They are willing to donate their time and equipment, but they would like to be paid for the gravel, which they figure will be around $1,500.00. A motion was made by Larson, seconded by Gromer, carried, to approve Johnson Gravel to fix the driveway. 

Discussion was held on talking to Dawson Construction about bringing a couple of loads of gravel for Main Street. Meier will talk to Dawson to get a cost and when they would be able to deliver the gravel and spread it out. 

New Business:

Discussion was held on the summer help. Meier met with Uecker and went over mowing locations. Uecker plans to start as soon as school is out. 

A motion was made by Gromer, seconded by Larson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment: 

General and Water/Sewer: Tori Hoffman – $92.35 – Wages – Meter Reader, Sean Gromer – $554.10 – Wages – Maintenance Worker, Chada Construction – $3,156.40 – Reimbursement for materials for the backstop and labor to frame up the backstop, Faye Blindauer – $205.02 – Wages – Custodian, Sanborn Weekly Journal – $748.90 – Advertising Minutes, Santel Communications – $251.53 – Utilities – Phone – Office: $29.84, Phone – Internet – $95.50, Community Center – Phone – $25.17, Community Center – Phone – $55.00, Lift Station – Phone – $46.02, Health Pool of South Dakota – $1,604.91 – Health Insurance, Ed Hoffman – $544.10 – Wages – Water Sample, Miedema Sanitation – $1,387.34 – Garbage Removal, Menards – $1,125.71 – Ballpark – Supplies, Dakota Pump – $382.65 – Repairs Lift Station, Brooks Oil – $291.30 – Fuel – Mower, CK Fencing – $5,577.82 – Ballpark Installation of Poles, On-Site – $98.39 – Camera Surveillance, QuickBooks – $2,041.16 – Update. 

The next board meeting will be held on May 20th, 2024, at 7 p.m. at the town office.

Angie Meier

Finance Officer

Published once on May 16, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $41.25 and may be viewed free of charge at

Voter registration for the Sanborn Central School District School Board Election to be held on June 18, 2024, will close on June 3, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Failure to register by this date will cause forfeiture of voting rights for this election. If you are in doubt about whether you are registered, check the Voter Information Portal at or call the county auditor at 605-796-4513.

Registration may be completed during regular business hours at the county auditor’s office, municipal finance office, secretary of state’s office, and those locations which provide driver’s licenses, SNAP, TANF, WIC, military recruitment, and assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services. You may contact the county auditor to request a mail-in registration form or access a mail-in form at

Any voter who needs assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, may contact the county auditor for information and special assistance in voter registration.

Gayle Bechen, 

Business Manager,

Sanborn Central School 

District 55-5

Published on May 16 and May 23, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $26.25 and may be viewed free of charge at

Woonsocket City Council proceedings

Minutes - April 8, 2024 - 7 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Richard Reider at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 8, 2024, with the following members present: Joel Rassel, Arin Boschee, Derek Foos, Darin Kilcoin and Brandon Goergen. Finance Officer Tara Weber was also present.

Motion by D. Foos, seconded by Rassel, to approve the Agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Boschee, to approve the March 11,  2024, Meeting Minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Rassel, to approve the March 18, 2024, Meeting Minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the Financial Statement. Motion carried.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the following bills:

Titan Machinery $29.25 Shop

Runnings Supply $636.93 Shop

Waste Management $5,098.89 Garbage

Hawkins $545.61 Water

Milbank Winwater $9,287.70 Water

South Dakota Municipal League Workers Compensation $1,820.00 Insurance

Northwest Pipe Fittings $34.09 Water

Menards $248.57 Shop

KO’s Pro Service $81.96 Shop

Express Stop $71.29 Shop

Express 2 $1,183.68 Shop

Dakota Pump $556.74 Water

South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources $950.00 Membership

Carquest of Mitchell $93.99 Shop

ARAMARK $261.36 Shop

Sanborn Weekly Journal $728.02  Publishing

South Dakota Retirement $1,678.32 Retirement

First National Bank of Omaha $3,844.39 Payroll tax

Department of Revenue $134.64 Sales Tax

Total: $27,285.43 

Danny Ball, Deanna Jensen and Gayle Feistner were on hand to talk to the Council about paving roads. Due to some major expenses over the last couple years, there will be no roads that get paved this year. The City will only be doing patchwork.

Old Business

Mayor Reider gave an update on the Community Garden.

Gay Swenson attended the meeting to discuss the housing addition to the North of their property. Motion by Boschee, seconded by D. Foos, to approve the Resolution and Order for the following streets to be vacated: all streets that lie in the middle of Block 8 and Block 9 of Dunn’s Addition, and Block 9 and Block 10 of Dunn’s Addition to the City of Woonsocket, Sanborn County, South Dakota. Motion carried.

Darin Kilcoin gave an update on the can recycling cage.

The Council discussed the donation that Patti Larson gave to the parks.

The Council discussed the Code Enforcement Officer. Weber informed them that he was coming to town prior to the next council meeting.

The Council discussed that the Community-Wide Clean-Up Day is scheduled for May 16th.

New Business

The Council discussed taking out a loan to pave the whole town. Weber will look into some options.

The Council discussed the summer rec program. The following people have been hired:

Baseball/Softball – Trey Weber and Jeff Boschee;

Lifeguards – Whitney Hagman, Liz Boschee, McKenzie Schley, Bella Fry, Ella Peak, Sara Jensen;

Mowers – Terry Hill and Steve Tornow;

Dumpground – Jason Aalbers and Karen Luker.

The council discussed getting a quote from Sherwin Williams for the roof on the City Shop.

With no further business to be discussed, motion by Boschee, seconded by Rassel, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Richard Reider, 



Tara Weber,

Finance Officer

Published once on May 16, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $42.00 and may be viewed free of charge at

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