Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy winners announced

The Mitchell VFW Post announced the winners of this year’s local Patriot Pen and Voice of Democracy contests. From Sanborn Central, Weston White won first place in the Patriot Pen contest, Kelly Wilson earned second place, and Ledoux Bracha claimed third place. In the Voice of Democracy essay contest, Sanborn Central’s winner was Hudson Fouberg.

For the Patriot Pen contest, students write a 350-word essay. This year’s theme was “How are you inspired by America?” Sanborn Central’s submissions are scored by the Mitchell VFW Post. The winning essay then moves on to the VFW District level. Winners from the district level across the state are scored at the VFW department level, and finally, those winners compete at the VFW national level. White’s first place win qualifies his essay to move onto the district level.

For the Voice of Democracy, students have to write an original three-to-five-minute audio essay on the VFW-provided theme. This year’s theme was “What are the greatest attributes of our Democracy?” Each student’s submission must include the recorded and written versions of their essays. Winners of the local post level then move on to the district level, then the state level, and finally, the national level. Fouberg’s first place award qualifies her essay to move on to the district VFW level.

The four winners, White, Fouberg, Wilson, and Bracha, have been invited to the VFW’s Dec. 12 meeting at 7:25 p.m. to be presented with their awards.

…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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