
Everyone should have a cane. Amazing how well people treat you if you walk with one (especially South Dakota citizens), opening doors, offering to help carry your packages!
People aware of lemmings know of their supposed propensity to commit suicide by throwing themselves off ledges into water.  Science has determined this is not suicide but a way to control their population if their area is too populated for the food sources available.  They can swim and are looking for new land to populate.
Many a leopard or jaguar have wished they could change their spots if caught in the open to make them better blend in with their terrain, (like many of our politicians now).
Like many others, I long for a shorter political season. Really — is not two months sufficient time for a campaign? With cable, the Internet, and all the visual, audio, and print media of today, this would be plenty of time to get your reasons out for why you should be elected or re-elected. If that is not enough time, then probably you have not done enough worthy in your life to be considered as a candidate.
The best answer that I know for these political messes of today is to have Saint Patrick reincarnated and let him use his wand or stick to drive all the snakes of our parties out. Then, he should invent political parties whose only purpose is to serve the best interests of the common people in all ways possible. The rich and the huge corporations appear to do well on their own.
Harry Everhart

Election Frustration

By Ryan Swenson

So here’s my take on the election: Choice #1 is a multimillionaire and lifetime businessman that nobody likes, who got money from his daddy to start his business. His business has had its ups and downs over the years, been bankrupt and has been criticized for using tax laws to its advantage.
Choice #2 is another multimillionaire and lifetime politician that nobody likes, who got her money from her husband — (you may remember him as “Slick Willy”), their Foundation and its dirty deals, along with foreign interests that are trying to kill us. At first glance, it’s not much of a choice…
So, how many of you have gotten your health insurance statement for 2017? My wife and kids are on Obamacare.  Their premium is going up 42 percent and their deductible doubled. Is that even legal? If my auto or home insurance deductible changes, it requires me to authorize it — new underwriting, etc. I guess with Obamacare they just do whatever they want. In my opinion, $11,517 per year for a high deductible plan covering a healthy 35-year-old woman and two healthy kids under the age of 5 is just plain ridiculous. I, on the other hand, have a pre-Obamacare Wellmark plan that is going up a whopping $11 per month.
So, to summarize, Obamacare premiums continue to increase anywhere from 40 to 100 percent a year depending on where you live, while the coverage continues to decrease by about the same amount. Non-Obamacare plans (which you can no longer get) go up about the same amount as inflation and the coverage stays the same.  I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m about done subsidizing the government’s foolish mistake.  It was doomed from the start.  There are many people that will no longer be able to afford it, having to take the penalty.  It has truly become “The UN-affordable Care Act”.
I’m going to give an analogy about voting.  I am a member of the SDCA (South Dakota Chiropractors Association).  Not all chiropractors in South Dakota choose to be a part of it, but most do.  It comes with an annual membership fee, but it’s the most powerful tool we chiropractors have when it comes to maintaining a voice in Pierre, along with regulating our own profession within the state. When we have continuing education conferences, any chiropractor that wants to attend is welcome. However, when it’s time to conduct the SDCA meeting, every chiropractor that’s not a part of the association has to leave the room. All SDCA business is conducted at that time — including voting for new officers and making decisions that will affect every chiropractor in the state — even those who were made to leave the room. My point is this: if you don’t choose to be an invested member in whatever you may be a part of, you shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions regarding that entity.
Reader discretion advised:
If you don’t understand anything about the way the world works — including foreign relations, economics, city/county/state/federal governments — you probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote; if you think that your government should provide you a living, you don’t pay taxes or are an otherwise uninvested member of the system — you probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote; if you spend more time on Facebook, Twitter or texting than you do working (unless you’re retired) — you probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote; if you think that you should always have food on your plate, a roof over your head and have no idea how it happens — you probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote. And finally, if you are being investigated AGAIN by the FBI for criminal charges that caused innocent Americans to die — you shouldn’t be allowed to run for President.
I hope that everyone that actually took the time to read this is doing well. I know that many of you are as frustrated as I am.
Anxious for the
Ryan Swenson
Rapid City

Dear Editor,
My name is Spens Schlicht and I am an eight-year member of the Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club.
I am writing this letter to encourage the youth in our community to join 4-H.  I joined 4-H when I was eight years old — mainly, because my brother, Rex, was so involved in it. At first, I didn’t really understand all the benefits of 4-H. I was just in it for the fun activities and the opportunity to be around animals.
As the years have gone by, I now realize that the character 4-H builds in you goes far beyond having fun.  I mean, I still have fun and I still LOVE showing chickens and ducks, but 4-H has helped mold me into the person I am today.  4-H has helped me develop my self-confidence, my public speaking ability, my pride in our community, and my appreciation for others.  It instills responsibilty, cooperation and (most importantly) caring skills into our character.  These are the characters that will make the world a better place.
Spens Schlicht

Sanborn Weekly Journal,
We have just celebrated National 4-H Week, as we are approaching another new and exciting 4-H year. I am entering into my fifth year as a member of the Town-N-Kountry 4-H Club. As I reflect on this past year, I am reminded of the importance of 4-H in a kid’s life. I was faced with new challenges and opportunities, promoting self-growth and confidence.
It was the first year I participated in Public Speaking at the county level, and on to the state level. My illustrated talk was about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, “The Invisible Wounds of War”. This was a very difficult and in-depth topic that I took to heart, talking about Vets in distress. With the support of parents and “Coach Paula,” I was able to succeed and make my first experience a positive one.
I have learned to be open- minded, that your way is not always the best way. We learn from others to be patient. Sometimes the judge’s feedback is difficult to accept as a positive learning experience. 4-H helps you to find what you are good at, your strengths and weaknesses, explore new ways and explore important issues. 4-H helps you to believe in yourself and pushes you to find new paths. We work together to seek new ideas and stand up for our community.
Emily Ohlrogge

Dear Editor,
My favorite thing about 4-H is shooting sports and all that I have learned to better my shooting skills. Being able to build and make projects, take photos and show them at Achievement Days is also one of the things I like about 4-H. 4-H has taught me many good things, and I encourage people to get involved and to join or try it.
Evan Ohlrogge

Dear Editor:
I have been in the Town-N-Kountry Kids 4-H Club in Sanborn County for two years. An experience that meant something to me was showing my cat. It was really nice to be able to do that. Showing my cat was harder than I thought, and I was nervous about the questions, too.
My club has helped me by telling what to do when I didn’t know what to do, so that was nice. On cat showing day, my first cat show, I didn’t know really how to show it, so my club helped me a little. I really like 4-H because it helps me be more confident and I can make more friends and memories.
Braxton Gentles,
Seventh grade

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