Casey Beigh and his extremely sharp, yellow 1964 Chevrolet Impala took first place at the car show. The car show took place in the lot between the post office and Skeeters and was sponsored by Skeeters.
Canoe races on the Fourth of July were well attended this year. Teams consisted of many out-of-towners as well as local inhabitants. Older and young alike seemed to enjoy competing as there were contestants ranging in age from 12 to 60+ years.
Division winners and their times are as follows:
Boys 10-15: Devin and Gavin Sturgeon, 3:44; Girls 16-20: Amalie Cobb and Cassie Knigge, 4:23; men 21-34: Thilo Kagels and Adam Schmiedt, 3:28:69 (close second place: Cody and Derek Kokesh, 3:28:75); women 21-34: Anne Schmiedt and Bobbi Tomes, 4:08 (close second place: Anne Schmiedt and Jenna Olson, 4:09); Men 35 and over: Adam Schmiedt and Mark Peterson, 3:18.