Archive for 2013

Results from the 2013 Sanborn County Achievement Days held Aug. 3 are as follows:
Earning Special Honors with a “Best of Show”: Child Development – Chloe Degen; Clothing –  Meghan Chada; Food Preservation – Brady Larson; Foods & Nutrition – Toby Kneen; Home Environment – Mariah Jost and Riley Zoss; Horticulture – Megan Linke; Photography – Dilyn Brooks; Visual Arts – Emily Ohlrogge; Wood Science – Tyler Eddy.
The results from static exhibits and livestock are as follows:
Static Exhibits

JIM JOHANNSEN, the always entertaining emcee of the livestock, show chats with a shy Cloverbud, Henry Hunter, during the rabbit and poultry show.

Character Education: purple – Rex Schlicht;
Child Development: purple – Chloe Degen (2), Sawyer Senska, Shaun Snedeker; blue – Toby Kneen, Corrie Snedeker; red – Nick Snedeker;
Clothing: purple – Xavier Baysinger (2), Dilyn Brooks (2), Meghan Chada, Bailey Feistner, Jared Goldammer, Alexis Kelly, Carver Lindsey (3), Taylor Lindsey (3), Megan Linke, Banion Niles, Evan Ohlrogge, Corrie Snedeker, Nick Snedeker, Shaun Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson (4), Kaylee White (3), Trista White (2), Taryn Ziebart (3), Tate Ziebart, Tristan Ziebart (3), Ty Ziebart; blue – Alexis Kelly, Taylor Lindsey, Kaylee White, Trista White (2);
Conservation & Stewardship: purple – Kyle Clarambeau, Rex Schlicht; blue – Banion Niles;
Economics: purple – Xavier Baysinger;
Electricity: purple –     Xavier Baysinger (2), Kyle Clarambeau, Tyler Eddy, Carver Lindsey;
Embryology: purple – Banion Niles;
Energy for Farm, Home & Transportation: purple – Banion Niles;
Fashion Revue: purple – Dilyn Brooks (2), Alexis Kelly, Carver Lindsey, Taylor Lindsey (2), Banion Niles, Kaylee White (2), Trista White (2), Tristan Ziebart; blue – Alexis Kelly, Taryn Ziebart
First Aid: purple – Bailey Feistner; blue – Kaylee White, Trista White;
Food Preservation: purple –    Ashlee Hanson, Alexis Kelly (8), Brady Larson (6), Aaron Linke, Jonathan Linke, Nathan Linke, Banion Niles, Kaylee White;
Foods & Nutrition: purple – Xavier Baysinger (6), Dilyn Brooks (3), Bailey Feistner, Wyatt Feistner, Erica Howard (6), Camden Jost, Mariah Jost, Alexis Kelly (3), Toby Kneen (2), Brady Larson (3), Carver Lindsey (4), Taylor Lindsey (5), Aaron Linke (4), Jonathan Linke, Megan Linke (4), Nathan Linke, Cole Moody, Rachelle Moore (2), Banion Niles, Elliott Ohlrogge (2), Emily Ohlrogge (2), Evan Ohlrogge (2), Clay Olinger (2), Rex Schlicht, Spens Schlicht (7), Ashley Schmit (3), Nick Snedeker, Shaun Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson, Kaylee White, Taryn Ziebart (4), Tate Ziebart (4), Tristan Ziebart (2), Ty Ziebart (3), Riley Zoss; blue –    Erica Howard (5), Camden Jost, Alexis Kelly, Brady Larson, Nathan Linke, Banion Niles, Rex Schlicht (8), Spens Schlicht (2), Tristan Ziebart; red – Aaron Linke, Rex Schlicht;
Hobbies & Collections: purple – Kyle Clarambeau (2), Carver Lindsey; blue – Bailey Feistner;
Home Environment: purple – Xavier Baysinger, Catherine Bechen (2), Jarid Bechen, Dilyn Brooks (5), Tyler Eddy, Bailey Feistner (4), Jared Goldammer (2), Ashlee Hanson, Mariah Jost (2), Brady Larson (5), Carver Lindsey (2), Taylor Lindsey, Jonathan Linke, Megan Linke (4), Nathan Linke, Rachelle Moore,     Banion Niles, Emily Ohlrogge (2), Evan Ohlrogge, Clay Olinger (2), Drew Olinger, Rex Schlicht, Spens Schlicht, Collin Schmiedt, Ashley Schmit (5), Austin Schmit, Sawyer Senska (2), Jenna Skinner (2), Nick Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson (3), Kaylee White (5), Trista White (3), Taryn Ziebart (2), Tate Ziebart (2), Tristan Ziebart (2), Ty Ziebart (2), Riley Zoss (3); blue – Catherine Bechen, Meghan Chada, Bailey Feistner, Erica Howard, Taylor Lindsey (2), Rachelle Moore, Sawyer Senska, Brooklyn Swenson (2), Kaylee White (2); red – Jared Goldammer;
Horticulture: purple – Jarid Bechen, Alexis Kelly (4), Brady Larson (2), Carver Lindsey, Taylor Lindsey, Aaron Linke (5), Jonathan Linke (6), Megan Linke (6), Nathan Linke (4), Spens Schlicht (2), Nick Snedeker; blue – Alexis Kelly (3), Carver Lindsey, Aaron Linke (4), Jonathan Linke (3), Megan Linke (5), Nathan Linke (4), Banion Niles, Rex Schlicht (5), Spens Schlicht; red – Toby Kneen, Rex Schlicht, Spens Schlicht;
Leadership Skills Development: purple – Rachelle Moore;
Outdoor Education/Recreation: purple – Clay Olinger;

Riley Zoss, Round Robin Grand Champion, and Jonathan Linke, Reserve Champion Round Robin.

Photography: purple –     Catherine Bechen, Dilyn Brooks (3), Meghan Chada, Ashlee Hanson, Megan Linke (6), Elliott Ohlrogge (3), Emily Ohlrogge (4), Evan Ohlrogge (5), Rex Schlicht (4), Spens Schlicht (3), Corrie Snedeker (2), Shaun Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson (2), Kaylee White (3), Trista White (4); blue – Dilyn Brooks (5), Meghan Chada, Ashlee Hanson, Megan Linke (2), Elliott Ohlrogge (5), Emily Ohlrogge, Evan Ohlrogge (4), Rex Schlicht (4), Spens Schlicht (2), Corrie Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson, Kaylee White (8), Trista White (2); red – Dilyn Brooks, Meghan Chada, Elliott Ohlrogge (2), Rex Schlicht, Kaylee White (3);
Plant Science, Crops & Weeds: purple – Aaron Linke, Jonathan Linke (3); blue – Ashlee Hanson;
Poultry & Eggs: purple – Xavier Basyinger, Wyatt Feistner; blue – Megan Linke, Nathan Linke;
Shooting Sports: purple –Charles Hunter;
Visual Arts: purple – Xavier Baysinger (2), Catherine Bechen (2), Dilyn Brooks (4), Chloe Degen (4), Tyler Eddy, Jared Goldammer (2), Ashlee Hanson, Erica Howard (4), Camden Jost (2), Mariah Jost (2), Alexis Kelly (2), Brady Larson (2), Carver Lindsey (2), Taylor Lindsey (6), Jonathan Linke (3), Sarah Morgan (2), Emily Ohlrogge (2), Evan Ohlrogge (2), Clay Olinger (3), Drew Olinger, Morgan Schmiedt, Austin Schmit (3), Sawyer Senska (3), Nick Snedeker, Brooklyn Swenson (3), Kaylee White (5), Trista White (5), Taryn Ziebart (5), Tate Ziebart (2), Tristan Ziebart (4), Ty Ziebart (3), Riley Zoss; blue – Chloe Degen, Toby Kneen, Rex Schlicht, Austin Schmit, Tate Ziebart;
Welding Science: purple –Jonathan Linke, Dillon Moore, Corrie Snedeker;
Wildlife & Fisheries: blue –Bailey Feistner;
Wood Science: purple –     Tyler Eddy (2), Corrie Snedeker; blue – Corrie Snedeker;
Writing & Public Speaking: purple – Aaron Linke, Jonathan Linke (4), Megan Linke (2), Nathan Linke (3).
Baby Beef: purple – Bailey Feistner, Emily Ohlrogge;
Breeding Beef: purple – Kyle Clarambeau, Aaron Linke (2), Jonathan Linke (2), Megan Linke, Nathan Linke, Collin Schmiedt, Morgan Schmiedt, Riley Schmiedt, Jenna Skinner, Kaylee White, Trista White, Riley Zoss (2); blue – Kaylee White;
Grand Champion: Nathan Linke;
Reserve Grand Champion: Riley Zoss;
Beginner Showmanship: Megan Linke;
Reserve Beginner Showmanship: Morgan Schmiedt;
Junior Showmanship: Nathan Linke;
Reserve Junior Showmanship: Tyler Ogle;
Senior Showmanship:  Riley Zoss;
Reserve Senior Showmanship: Jonathan Linke;
Market Beef: purple – Camden Jost, Tyler Ogle (2), Clay Olinger, Drew Olinger, Collin Schmiedt, Morgan Schmiedt, Riley Schmiedt, Sawyer Senska, Riley Zoss;
Grand Champion Market Beef: Riley Zoss;
Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef: Tyler Ogle;
Rate-of-Gain: Drew Olinger;
Cat: purple – Catherine Bechen (2), Aaron Linke (2), Megan Linke (2), Nathan Linke (2);
Grand Champion Cat/Kitten: Nathan Linke;
Reserve Grand Champion Cat/Kitten: Megan Linke;
Beginner Showmanship: Megan Linke;
Junior Showmanship: Catherine Bechen;
Reserve Junior Showmanship: Nathan Linke;
Senior Showmanship: Aaron Linke;
Dog: purple – Carver Lindsey (2);
Grand Champion Dog: Carver Lindsey;
Beginner Showmanhip:  Carver Lindsey;
Breeding Meat Goat: purple – Riley Zoss (3);
Grand Champion Breeding Meat Goat: Riley Zoss;
Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Meat Goat: Riley Zoss;
Dairy Goat: purple – Sawyer Senska (4);
Grand Champion Dairy Goat: Sawyer Senska;
Reserve Grand Champion Dairy Goat:  Sawyer Senska;
Market/Meat Goat: purple –     Haley Degen (2), Jared Goldammer (2), Riley Zoss (3);
Grand Champion Meat Goat: Riley Zoss;
Reserve Grand Champion Meat Goat: Riley Zoss;            Rate-of-Gain: Riley Zoss;
Junior Showmanship: Jared Golammer;
Senior Showmanship: Riley Zoss;
Reserve Senior Showmanship: Haley Degen;
Poultry: purple – Xavier Baysinger (18), Chloe Degen (9), Tyler Eddy (2), Bailey Feistner (14), Wyatt Feistner (20), Charles Hunter (2), Megan Linke (6), Nathan Linke (2), Banion Niles (2), Rex Schlicht (6), Spens Schlicht (7), Sawyer Senska (3); blue – Charles Hunter, Nathan Linke (2);
Grand Champion Poultry:  Rex Schlicht;
Reserve Grand Champion Poultry: Rex Schlicht;
Beginner Showmanship:  Xavier Baysinger;
Reserve Beginner Showmanship:  Tyler Eddy;
Junior Showmanship: Nathan Linke;
Reserve Junior Showmanship: Spens Schlicht;
Senior Showmanship: Rex Schlicht;
Rabbit: purple – Tyler Eddy, Jared Goldammer (5), Charles Hunter, Banion Niles (3), Rex Schlicht (5), Spens Schlicht (4); blue – Charles Hunter (2), Banion Niles, Spens Schlicht;
Grand Champion Rabbit:  Rex Schlicht;
Reserve Grand Champion Rabbit: Spens Schlicht;
Beginner Showmanship:  Tyler Eddy;
Reserve Beginner Showmanship: Charles Hunter;
Junior Showmanship: Jared Goldammer;
Reserve Junior Showmanship: Spens Schlicht;
Senior Showmanship: Rex Schlicht;
Breeding Sheep: purple –    Xavier Baysinger (2), Bailey Feistner (2), Brady Larson (3); blue – Bailey Feistner;
Grand Champion Breeding Sheep: Brady Larson;
Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Sheep: Brady Larson;
Market Sheep: purple –     Xavier Baysinger (2), Haley Degen, Riley Zoss; blue – Xavier Baysinger;
Grand Champion Market Sheep:  Haley Degen;
Reserve Grand Champion Market Sheep: Riley Zoss;
Rate of Gain: Xavier Baysinger;
Beginner Showmanship:  Brady Larson;
Reserve Beginner Showmanship: Xavier Baysinger;
Senior Showmanship: Riley Zoss;
Reserve Senior Showmanship: Haley Degen;
Market Swine: purple – Xavier Baysinger (2), Chloe Degen (3), Haley Degen (4); blue – Xavier Baysinger (2);
Grand Champion Swine: Haley Degen;
Reserve Champion Swine: Haley Degen;
Rate-of-Gain: Xavier Baysinger;
Beginner Showmanship: Xavier Baysinger;
Junior Showmanship: Chloe Degen;
Senior Showmanship: Haley Degen.
The Cloverbud area of 4-H is a great opportunity for future 4-Hers (children ages 5-7) to get a head start on  4-H and to get the feel of what 4-H is all about. At Achievement Days, Cloverbuds can show in any area of static exhibits and small animals. Once their exhibits have been shown to the judge, they get to choose their own preferred color of ribbon.
Sanborn County Cloverbuds who exhibited at this year’s Achievement Days include:
Aubrey Senska (11), Payton Uecker (5), Michael Hoffman (4), Tyson Eddy (4), Kade Olinger (9), Delaney Zoss (5), Bethany Niles (2), Bryce Larson (8), Isaiah Schultz, Caleb Kneen (4), Devyn Brooks (6), Henry Hunter (5), Blake Howard (5), Emma Niles, Acaiya Schultz.
Sanborn County Open Class Show Results
Several area adults and youth participated recently in the Sanborn County Open Class Show held in conjunction with the 4-H Achievement Days on July 31 and Aug. 2-3.
Participants brought their exhibits to the 4-H Building in Forestburg on July 31 where they were judged by 4-H static judges. Exhibitors were able to choose from several different project areas including: Art & China Painting, Culinary, Crafts, Needlework, Photography and Horticulture.
Helping to enter and display the many entries were Barb Maurice and Anita Fouberg.
Results are:  (exhibits marked with * indicate “Best of Show” and will be representing Sanborn County in the State Fair Open Class “Best of Show” contest.)
Art & China Painting,  adult division: Painting – Fay Young, first; Woodcarving – Fay Young, first;
Culinary, junior division: Jam – Brady Larson, first*; Pickles – Bryce Larson, first*;
Culinary, adult division: Pickles – Janet Maeschen – first*;
Crafts, junior division: Glass –    Danielle Brooks, 1st; Wood (constructed) – Danielle Brooks, first; Paint & Pigment on Fabric – Danielle Brooks,  first; Creative Crafts – Bryce Larson, second; Danielle Brooks, first; Danielle Brooks, third; Holiday Specials – Bryce Larson, first*;
Crafts, adult division: Holiday Specials – Fay Young, first*
Needlework, junior division: Other – Bryce Larson, first*; Samantha Dean, second; Samantha Dean, third;
Needlework, adult division: Afghans – Jeannie Hjelm – first*;    Babyland – Shana Jensen, first; Bed Quilts – Mary Fredrichs, first; Mary Fredrichs, second; Ruth Ann Olinger; Ruth Ann Olinger; Ruth Ann Olinger, third; Wall Quilts – Mary Fredrichs, second; Mary Fredrichs, first*; Baby Quilts – Mary Fredrichs, first; St. Wilfrid Quilting for Others, second; Miscellaneous Quilted Items – Mary Fredrichs, second; Mary Fredrichs, first; Ruth Ann Olinger; Ruth Ann Olinger, third;
Photography, adult division: Scenic/Natural Scenes – Elizabeth Brooks, second; Mike Rankin, third; Mike Rankin; Sherryl Rankin, first*; People – Sherryl Rankin, second; Animals – Elizabeth Brooks, first*;    Elizabeth Brooks, second; Elizabeth Brooks, third; Birds, insects, fish or marine animals – Sherryl Rankin, first; Sherryl Rankin, second; Plants – Gayle Bechen, third; Flowers – Gayle Bechen, second; Sherryl Rankin, first; Photojournalism – Sherryl Rankin, first; Sherryl Rankin – second;    Other than named  –    Mike Rankin, second.


SPENS SCHLICHT sweeps up the brand new poultry and rabbit shed, which was built onto the livestock barn using funds donated to the 4-H program by Kevin Baysinger, who was awarded the Monsanto Funds America’s Farmers Grow Communities Project.

The 2013 Sanborn County 4-H Achievement Days are in the history books.
Activities began Wednesday evening as static exhibits were entered at the 4-H Building in Forestburg.
Friday evening was the poultry and rabbit show, with around 100 entries.
Saturday morning kicked off with the hog, dog and sheep show followed by the cattle and goats, winding up around 5:30 p.m.
The annual barbecue was a huge hit, selling well over 300 sandwiches and running out of pork.
Also held during the day was a pie contest and social and the Sanborn County Health Fair.

ONE OF THE more ingenious and highly useful exhibits at this year’s Achievement Days was this calf catcher, built by Corrie Snedeker. Snedeker was inspired to build a safer and more efficient way to catch and treat calves out in the pasture and came up with this design. The vehicle is simply driven up behind the calf and lined up with the open door of the cage (shown closed at front). The door is closed once the calf is inside and the driver is free to treat it without worry of retaliation from the mother. The calf catcher folds up over the vehicle for travel down the road. Snedeker graduated from Woonsocket High School this spring and also used his calf catcher for his senior project.

Tan Dog’s Team Skills Basketball Camp held last week

Tanna’s treatment reported at 99 percent effective following surgery


THE HIGH school basketball players who took part in the skills camp are, in back from left: camp instructor Clint Sargent, Morgan Selland, Tayla Weber, Rachel Selland, Myah Selland, Garrett Larson, Tyler Krueger, Wyatt Feistner, Amanda Hart (who plays for Dakota Wesleyan and helped with the camp), Jill Sargent; front row: Shelby Selland, Maddie Vermeulen, Kayla Olson, Rex Schlicht, Garret Dean and Trevor Olson.

A basketball camp was held last Wednesday afternoon and evening at Sanborn Central School, hosted by Jill (Young) Sargent and her husband, Clint Sargent, as a fundraiser for Tanna Kingsbury.
Sanborn Central and Woonsocket students in two groups of grades four to eight and grades nine through 12 spent two hours each learning skills from the former South Dakota State University standouts. The Sargents currently play basketball for USC Heidelberg, a professional team in Heidelberg, Germany.
The couple hosted the camp for free and participants were asked for a free-will donation to attend. Around $550 was raised and donated to Tanna’s fight against cancer.
Tanna was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer affecting mostly adolescents, this past spring. She underwent six aggressive rounds of chemotherapy to

TREY WEBER chases a lose ball in a game of “PIG” that wound up the first session of camp.

shrink the tumor, doctoring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. and Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls.
Last Thursday, Tanna underwent a successful surgery to remove the tumor. The pathology report came back Monday reporting the treatment was 99 percent effective.
Tanna is currently recovering from surgery at Mayo. She will be a freshman at Sanborn Central High School this year. She is the daughter of Kevin and Lynette Kingsbury of Letcher.

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