Archive for 2013

The Letcher Legion Auxiliary had their annual Talent Night and Pie Social on Wednesday evening, July 24. A good crowd was in attendance to see and hear the local talent and enjoy pie and ice cream afterwards.
Auxiliary President Sandy Ruml was in charge of the ceremony and always has some interesting stories or jokes to fill in between talents.
Hadley Leigh Moody started it off with two “Name That Tune” songs and then a recording of some of his music. Evelyn Walters recited several  poems, she always finds some really good ones to hold our interest. Susan Dodd of Mt. Vernon sang a song, she has a beautiful voice. Susan is the daughter of Marjean and Alvin Thompson. Scott Morgan sang and played his guitar, his music is relaxing to listen to and very entertaining. Dvonne Hansen played several songs on her harmonica. She is self-taught and does a great job.
A big thank you to Sandi and everyone entertained us with their talent. It was a very enjoyable evening. Also, thank you so much to the auxiliary ladies who made all those great pies! What a way to top off the evening!

Kaylee White, Morgan Schmiedt, Brooklyn Swenson and Trista White present an illustrated talk on items for restocking the first aid kit at the 4-H Building. The cost of the supplies was sponsored by Poet and Whiting Memorial Community Health Center.

The Town and Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on July 23 in the Woonsocket Community Center.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke. The flag pledge was led by Brooklyn Swenson and the 4-H pledge was led by Megan Linke. Corrie Snedeker led roll call with 19 members answering the question, “What is your favorite kind of tractor?”   The club welcomed new member Charles Hunter.
The secretary’s report was read by Aaron Linke and approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was given by Elliott Ohlrogge and approved as presented.
Giving reports on different activities were: Kaylee White on the Special Foods Workshop, Shaun Snedeker on the Special Foods Contest, Evan Ohlrogge on the Photography Clinic, Collin Schmiedt and Megan on Project Day, Aaron on the Public Speaking Contest, Dilyn Brooks and Trista White on the Fashion Revue Contest and Nathan Linke on the Aurora County Livestock Judging Contest.
Acaiya and Isaiah Schultz presented an illustrated talk on China.  They shared information and pictures, as well as taught us a few Chinese words.
Under old business, Collin read the Good Neighbor Award recommendation that was written by Rex Schlicht and Riley Schmiedt.  We will submit it to Fuchs Orthodontics.  We talked about the Pie Contest plans.  Proceeds from the auction will go to Keith Senska.

Acaiya and Isaiah Schultz present an illustrated talk on China, including teaching us some animal words in Chinese.

The First Aid Committee of Trista and Kaylee, Brooklyn and Morgan Schmiedt presented an illustrated talk on the items that were purchased to stock the first aid kit at the 4-H Building, as well as telling why the different items were needed.  The cost of the first aid supplies was sponsored by Poet and Whiting Memorial Community Health Center.
Members were asked to help with setting out luminaries for the Relay for Life event in Woonsocket on July 27.
The club talked about Achievement Day pre-registration, setup and schedules.  Other events on the schedule are State Livestock Judging Contest and Spotlight Show.
The next meeting will be in August or September.




By Owen Anderson, County Executive Director, Sanborn and Jerauld counties
CRP Management Activities: Managed haying/grazing and Mid-Contract Management activities can commence on Aug. 2. Managed haying or grazing is allowed on general CRP practices CP1, CP2, CP4B, CP4D, CP10, CP18B, CP18C and CP38.
CRP participants must apply for permission to do managed haying/grazing and follow an approved haying/grazing plan.  Haying must be done by Aug. 31. Grazing end date can be later if approved on the grazing plan.
CRP participants who are required to do Mid-Contract Management in August 2013 have been contacted. Management options include light disking, harrowing, or baling with bale destruction at a later date. Work must be done by Aug. 31.
Deadlines for 2012 NAP production reporting, 2012 ACRE production reporting, 2013 DCP Sign-up and 2013 Acreage reporting are all on Aug. 2. If you haven’t done it… do it.
Farm Storage Facility Loans: There has been renewed interest in this loan program recently. This is a good loan program, but they take time to process. Do not wait until the last minute.
“USDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.”

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