Archive for 2013

    Bailey Moody and Austin Schmit were the Grand Champions of pole bending at the State 4-H Horse Show on July 25. They each received a buckle and a plaque.
Austin won in junior pony division and Bailey in senior horse division. Austin also received Grand Champion in pony barrels where he received a buckle.
Bailey is the daughter of Perry and Tracy Moody of Letcher. Austin is the son of Roger and Cheryl Schmit of Artesian.




   The Woonsocket American Legion Post 29 donated a US flag and stand to Prairie View Care Center.
Pictured in back are Legion members David Kogel and Keith Senska with PVCC Administrator Kayla Chaussee, and in front Legion members and PVCC residents Joe Schmit and Stanley Klich.





Left to right: Joyce Everhart, Tina Luthi, Julie Bebout and Becky Foos.

Sanborn County was represented at the Annual National Conference in Kansas City, Mo. by four foodservice professionals from Sanborn Central and Woonsocket schools. They attended ANC along with 6,000 others from across the nation.
Over 90 educational sessions were offered, many of them focusing on the new guidelines that are required for the breakfast program when school begins this fall. Many of the over 800 booths in the exhibit hall displayed whole grain rich food items that are now available for schools to add to their menus.
Becky Foos also received one of only 20 national scholarships awarded to first time attendees of ANC.

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