Pictured are: Chuck Peer, third, Leo Effling, second, Patrick Bender, champion, and Steve Nelson, high hand.
The Dave Olson Memorial Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament was held on March 31.
The players making it to the final table were: Bob Steckel, Patrick Hughes, Don Weinberger, Steve Whitney, Dave Fridley, Andy Larson, Jeff Ebersdorfer, Chuck Peer, Leo Effling and Patrick Bender.
When the dealing was done, all the chips belonged to Patrick Bender. Leo Effling earned second place and third place went to Chuck Peer. High hand for the evening went to Steve Nelson for his queen high club flush.
Beneficiaries this year were Tanna Kingsbury and David Grassel. Both have been fighting cancer in the past year. We wish them all the best and good health for years to come.
We are very thankful for all of those who participated in any way – players, dealers, money tenders, chip counters, soup makers, set-up crew, clean-up crew and all who donated. This couldn’t happen without you.