CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation awards semi-annual grants

The CorTrust Bank ALM (Artesian, Letcher, Mt. Vernon) Community Foundation Board of Directors met recently to award its semi-annual grants.
The following distributions were approved: Sanborn County 4-H Shooting Sports for $250 to be used for kneeling pads and safety glasses; City of Mt. Vernon for $1,000 to be used towards adding an external entry to the city office; Sanborn Central Elementary School for $314 for a playground cart; and Sanborn County 4-H Leaders for $1,000 to be used towards pen improvements at the Sanborn County 4-H grounds in Forestburg.
The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation is an organization formed to attract and distribute gifts of capital for community betterment. It was initially funded by CorTrust Bank with a match from the South Dakota Community Foundation for the benefit of the Artesian, Letcher and Mt. Vernon communities. The first grants were awarded in August 2000.
Grant applications are considered based on several factors, including the potential benefit of the proposed project to the particular population to be served and to the community as a whole.  The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation has awarded over $114,000 since its inception.
The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation encourages and welcomes donations, memorial gifts, bequests and gifts of capital. The income generated from investment of these funds is then made available for grants. Donors may restrict their gifts to certain types of grants or to certain communities, or they may designate them as unrestricted.
The CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors that consists of people from the Artesian, Letcher and Mt. Vernon communities, as well as CorTrust Bank. The current members of the Board of Directors are Jeff Ebersdorfer of Artesian, Gibi Page of Fedora, Lori Kluth and Cheryl Hohbach of Mt. Vernon, Sherri Stekl and Janet Maeschen of Letcher, and Liz Hoffman, Barb Metzinger and Don Threadgold of CorTrust Bank. The Board meets twice a year to review grant applications.
The next grant application deadline is Feb. 15. Applications and more information can be obtained from the CorTrust Banks in Artesian, Letcher and Mt. Vernon, or at

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