Archive for 2016

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Ebersdorfer presiding. Other members present were P. Larson, S. Larson, Blindauer, and Ohlrogge. Auditor Larson was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the minutes as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
Lee Goergen, Highway Superintendent/Weed Supervisor, presented two applications for approach permits. Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to approve an application from Tanner Cross on the west side of 397th Ave. Road #9-0. All ayes. Motion carried.  Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to approve an application from Walter Cope on the west side of 414th Ave. Road #35. All ayes.  Motion carried.
Goergen requested to change the work day schedule for the highway department to four 10-hour work days Monday through Thursday.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to start this on March 28. All ayes. Motion carried.
9:30 a.m. Bid Letting – Hot/Cold Mix
Asphalt Paving & Materials, Cost of Hot Mix per ton $52.00 from Huron Shop, $52.50 S. of DeSmet;
Commercial Asphalt, Cost of Hot Mix per ton $58.00, Cost of Cold Mix per ton $88.00 (summer) and $135.00 (winter).
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to accept both bids depending on the location of work being done.   Motion carried.
9:35 a.m. Bid Letting – Gravel
Bowes & Ochsner ¾ inch $5.50,    1 inch  $5.50;
Michael Johnson Construction ¾ inch  $6.60, 1 inch  $5.80.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to accept both bids depending on location of work being done. Motion carried.
Motion carried.
9:40 a.m. Bid letting – Overlay Patch
Asphalt Paving & Materials Co. $78.79 per ton.
Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the bid of Asphalt Paving & Materials Co.  Motion carried.
9:45 a.m. Bid Letting – Chip Sealing
Road Guy $15,875.00 per mile;
Topkote $14,563.33 per mile;
Asphalt Paving $16,087.53 per mile.
Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to accept the low bid of Topkote. Motion carried.
Auditor Larson presented the Memorandum of Understanding Between the SDSU Extension and the Counties of South Dakota for the 4-H Advisor for 2016. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to adopt this memorandum. Motion carried.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to regretfully accept the resignation of Charles Pulford, Deputy Sheriff on March 31. All ayes.  Motion carried. The board thanks Charles for his service.
The second reading of Ordinance No. 2016-01, An Ordinance Combining the Offices of County Sheriff and County Coroner, was held.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to adopt the ordinance. Ebersdorfer, aye; P. Larson, aye; S. Larson, aye; Blindauer, aye; and Ohlrogge, aye. Motion carried.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to compromise a lien in the amount of $13,632.37. The person is deceased and does not have an estate. All ayes. Motion carried.
Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $2,760,169.30
Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to pay the following bills. All ayes. Motion carried.
Office of Child Support, Wage Garnish $240.00
Accounts Management Inc., Wage Garnish $257.27
First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,299.79
SDACO, Monthly Remittance $98.00
State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $69,716.45
Towns, Townships, Schools, T&C Fire, James River Water, Monthly Distribution $123,147.24
3D Specialties, Supplies $762.87
Ameripride Inc., Mats, Towels, Mops $136.02
AT&T Cell Phone $137.34
Avera Queen of Peace Hospital, Blood Alcohol $33.50
Beadle County Treasurer, VSO Quarterly $1,875.00
Brown & Saenger, Supplies $2,689.34
Central Electric Cooperative, Electricity $261.62
Chief Law Enforcement, Supplies $50.45
Total Oil Inc., Fuel $1,897.57
Stephen D. Davis, Replace Door $2,897.96
Department of Revenue, Blood Alcohol/Tox Screens $340.00
ES&S, Maintenance Agreement $1,516.00
Express 2, Fuel $58.79
Farnams Genuine Parts, Supplies $112.07
Fastenal Company, Supplies $588.81
First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $73.45
KO’s, Supplies/Repairs $991.52
Local Lumber Co., Supplies $186.01
Metropolitan Compounds Inc., Supplies $829.98
National Association of Chiefs of Police, Membership $60.00
NorthWestern Energy, Electricity $183.81
Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee $311.83
Pharm Chem Inc., Patch Analysis $50.00
Keith Ross, Ambulance Overpayment $61.41
Neil Senska, Mud Flaps $110.00
Sanborn County Ambulance, Meals $23.24
Santel Communications, Phone/Internet/Antivirus $1,407.53
SD Association of Co. Weed & Pest Bd., Dues $75.00
Shopko, Supplies $95.92
True North Steel Inc., Supplies $5,200.00
Williams Music & Office Equipment, Copy Machine Repair $100.00
Schmiedt Enterprises, Supplies $188.59
Xcel Energy, Electricity $350.14
There being no further business, motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting.  All ayes. Motion carried.  The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, April 5, 2016.
Diane Larson
Sanborn County
Jeff Ebersdorfer
Chairman of the Board,
Sanborn County

Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on March 14th,  2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School. Members attending were: Todd Olinger, Jason White, Gary Steichen, and Lisa Snedeker. Darrin Uttecht  was absent. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Chris Selland, Mitch Korbel, Lynn Klaas, Jodi Doering, Julie Bebout, Amber Kuper and Patty Baysinger. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Lisa Snedeker, the Board approved the meeting agenda as presented.  Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on February 11th, 2016 were approved as presented on a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger with a second by Lisa Snedeker, to move into executive session at 6:03 p.m. to discuss a student matter pursuant to SDCL #1-25-2.2 and also a personnel matter pursuant to SDCL #1-25-2.1. Motion carried. The board reconvened into regular session at 6:35 p.m.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Gary Seichen, the Board approved the claims presented and the February 2016 financial report as follows. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND  Beginning balance: $1,087,445.89; Add receipts:  Taxes $37,566.92; Interest $417.33; Other local: $2,725.27;  State $77,347.07; Federal $0.00;  Total to be accounted for:  $1,205,502.48;  less disbursements $145,694.83; Cash Balance: $1,059,807.65.
CAPITAL OUTLAY  Beginning balance: $603,634.16; Add receipts: Taxes  $27,858.62;  Other local:  0.00;  Federal:  $0.00.  Total to be accounted for:  $631,492.78;  less disbursements $3,876.81;   Cash balance: $627,615.97.
SPECIAL EDUCATION  Beginning balance: $353,264.60; Add receipts:  Taxes $14,034.39; Other Local:  $49.00;  State $0.00;  Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $367,347.99; less disbursements $11,903.50;  Cash balance: $355,444.49.
PENSION  Beginning balance:  $201,555.73; Add receipts:  Taxes $4,165.69; Other Local: $0.00;  Total to be accounted for: $205,721.42;  less disbursements, $0.00; Cash balance: $205,721.42.
FOOD SERVICE  Beginning balance: $26,366.23;   Add receipts: Pupil receipts $6,478.00;  Adult receipts $26.00; Interest $.98;  Other local: $257.10;  State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $5,579.08;  Total to be accounted for: $38,707.39; less disbursements $11,484.71; Cash  balance: $27,222.68.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53  Beginning balance: $29,874.31;  Add receipts: Other local $840.00;  Total to be accounted for: $30,714.31; less disbursements $4,010.46;  Cash balance;  $26,703.85.
TRUST AND AGENCY  Beginning balance: $35,548.79; Add receipts: Interest $1.46; Pupil activities $5,898.75; Total to be accounted for: $41,449.00; less disbursements $5,851.95; Cash Balance: $35,597.05.
Salaries and benefits for the month of February 2016 were as follows:
General Fund: $107,480.45
Special Education: $11,030.53
Enterprise #53: $4,010.46
Food Service: $5,470.46
Claims approved:
General Fund
AT&T, Cell Phone $61.72
Automatic Building Controls, Annual Fire System Check/Contract $956.00
Brooks Oil, Fuel Oil $1,838.00
Brown & Saenger, High School Supplies/Library Supplies $132.11
Cedar Shore, Lodging – Superintendent Conference $91.95
City of Woonsocket, Water Service $91.50
Coca-Cola, Water Bottles – Elementary $22.05
Dakota Wesleyan  University, ELL Class – Jason Bruce $210.00
Davis Clock, Clock Repair $63.60
Days Inn Sioux Falls, Lodging – Football Conference – A. Rodriguez $54.00
DB Electric, Ballasts $290.82
Double D Body Shop, Mini-Bus Repairs $68.00
Express 2, Gas – Mini-Bus/Vehicles $291.73
Express Stop, Gas – Mini-Bus/Vehicles $348.08
First National Bank Visa, Supplies/Powercords $286.61
Hillyard, Custodian Supplies $428.06
[Imprest Fund:
Baruth, Corey, Referee – C and JV Games $62.50
Genzlinger, Kevin, Referee – Doubleheader $90.00
Howard, Carrie, Clock Operator – Annual $240.00
Lieber, Craig, Referee – C Game $20.00
Odens, Jordon, Referee/Mileage – Doubleheader $132.00
Olson, Emily, Referee – C And JV Games $52.50
Opp, Jordan, Referee – Girls Basketball $75.00
Osborn, Joel, Referee – Girls Basketball $75.00
Sanborn County Treasurer, Car Title Fee/Plates $14.00
Schneider, Jeff, Referee – Doubleheader $90.00
Stroh, Greg, Referee/Mileage – Girls Basketball $129.60
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Weber, Rod, Referee – C Game $20.00
February Imprest Claims: $1,294.60]
J.W. Pepper & Son Inc., Vocal Music/CD $55.48
Jostens, Graduation Medals $52.07
K & D Busing Inc., Reg. Route/Co-Curr $12,094.29
KO’s Pro Service, Vehicle/Mini-Bus Maintenance $576.19
Kroeger, Brett, Reimbursement – Gas – Winterguard Trip $50.00
Local Lumber, Custodian Supplies $71.77
Menards, Shop/Custodian Supplies $138.11
Midwest Fire, Fire Suppression Maintenance $136.50
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service $4,223.89
Olson, Emily, Reimbursement – Supplies – Pep Rally $33.84
Petty Cash, Postage Expense/Title Transfer Fee (Taurus) $16.13
Readers Den, Library Books/Guidance  Materials $211.40
Runnings Supply, Inc., Shop Supplies $119.99
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $293.58
SD Association of School Business Officials, Business Manager Conference Fee $50.00
SD Interscholastic Athletic Administration Association, AD Conference Fee/Dues $180.00
United Energy/Farmers Alliance, Propane-Pre-K Building $210.95
University of Sioux Falls, Conference – Fee – Elementary (3) $900.00
VanDenHemel, James, Reimbursement – Shop Part $40.74
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service (Two Month) $963.98
Wessington Springs School, Football Co-Op Share – Plaques $30.67
Woony Foods, Supplies $59.90
Fund Total: $27,038.31
Capital Outlay
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $926.09
Fund Total: $926.09
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $845.76
[Imprest Fund:
Black Hills Special Services, Workshop Fee – C. Hegg/Student $10.00
February Imprest Claims: $10.00]
Lifequest, Client Services (Two Months) $2,470.00
Fund Total: $3,325.76
Buhls Dry Cleaning, Laundry Service $9.30
Child and Adult Nutrition, Food $419.45
Earthgrains Company, Food $70.78
Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $4,360.81
Woony Foods, Supplies $9.61
Fund Total: $4,869.95
Chris Selland gave the financial report and advised that the  group health insurance meeting for the school pool will be held on March 23 in Huron and we will have more information after the meeting.
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the new funding formula with several issues yet to be clarified by the State. Also, he will proceed with an application to the SDHSAA to form a co-op with Sanborn Central in the sport of cross-country.  This would be the last sport to co-op for the Woonsocket District with the goal of increasing participation in the program.
A plan is in place to house the Ag/FFA programs at the Sanborn Central School next year with some details yet to be worked out with the goal of keeping the Ag/FFA programs viable for both districts.
Darin Schmiedt will assume the Industrial Technology position and will work towards certification and will be working with Mr. VanDenHemel this spring.
The District will have to find a new consortium to process the Federal Perkins grant money for technical education as Mid-Central Co-op will no longer be handling the Perkins program for area districts.
The Food Service inspection received a 98 percent rating out of possible 100 percent, and lastly, congratulations go out to the Girl’s Basketball Team, coaches, student managers, statisticians, and cheerleaders for the manner in which they represented our Districts, and thanks to the Boosters, students and fans for all their support during the tournament.
The meeting with the Wessington Springs District went well with no immediate plans for expanding the athletic co-op, but keeping the door open for future opportunities for sharing services and costs.
Principal Paula Lynch advised that testing (Smarter Balance and Dakota Step) will begin the end of March.
Also, the WEPC Bingo was a great success raising the most money yet (approx. $6,500.00), and thanks go out to all who donated prizes, attended or helped in any way.  Principal Lynch also advised that the elementary students have obtained recycle boxes for cans and are expanding their recycling project. Spring field trips are being planned.
On a motion by Gary Steichen,  seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the following non-certified contracts for 2016-2017:  Julie Bebout, Rebecca Hinker, Trent Clayton, Cathy Hegg, Pat Carsrud, Emily Olson, Luci Grassel and Susan Sterna.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Lisa Snedeker, the Board approved the following Teacher/Administrator contracts for 2016-2017: Karen Jackson, Armando Rodriguez, Jessica Bruce, Judy Hinker, Sarah Jensen, Rosemarie Delvaux, Jason Bruce, Carrie Gutierrez, Darin Schmiedt, Shannon VanHeerden, Craig Lieber, Mitch Korbel, Rick Olsen, Dayna Rodriguez, Brett Kroeger, Lynn Klaas, Sarah Lieber, Kylie Pauly, Erin Feldhaus, Shelley Schlicht, Dani Johnson, Chris Selland and Paula Lynch. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the following coaching contracts for 2016-2017:  Rob Baruth (Co-Head Girls Basketball), Rod Weber (Co-Head Boys Basketball), Shannon VanHeerden  (fifth/sixth Girls Basketball), Sarah Jensen (Asst. Volleyball), Rick Olsen (Head Volleyball and Asst. Boys Basketball), Emily Olson (fifth/sixth Girls Basketball,  Asst. Girls Basketball and Asst. Track), Armando Rodriguez (Asst. Football and Head Golf), Dayna Rodriguez (Asst. Volleyball and  seventh/eighth  Girls Basketball), Shelley Schlicht (Head Cross-Country and Asst. Track), Bruce Schmiedt (Head Wrestling) and Dominic Schmiedt (Asst. Wrestling). Motion carried.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker with a second by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the 2016-2017 school calendar. Motion carried.
It was moved by Gary Steichen with a second by Lisa Snedeker to approve the surplus/salvage of 34 boys basketball uniforms.  The uniforms will be sold for $20.00 each piece ($40.00 for one complete uniform) and the proceeds will be shared with Sanborn Central for those that are sold. New Boys uniforms will be purchased for next year as they are up for the five year rotation.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Todd Olinger with a second by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the resignation of Jedd Schlicht as Asst. Track Coach (personal reasons) with Emily Olson to be his replacement at a salary of $1,700.00.  Motion carried. Jedd may be serving at times in a volunteer capacity with the track program.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the March 14th, 2016 regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. on a motion by Gary Steichen with a second by Todd Olinger. Motion carried.
CRYSTAL A.                 SELLAND
Business Manager



WHEREAS, Pursuant to SDCL 7-7-1.2, the Board of County Commissioners may, by ordinance, combine two or more county offices; and
WHEREAS, in the interests of economy and efficiency it appears appropriate to combine the offices of County Sheriff and County Coroner.
THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Sanborn County Commissioners:
Pursuant to SDCL 7-7-1.2, the Board of Sanborn County Commissioners hereby directs that the offices of Sanborn County Sheriff and Sanborn County Coroner shall be combined into a single office and that one person shall be elected to and shall perform the duties of the   combined offices.     The new combined office shall be known as the Sanborn County Sheriff.
The Sanborn County Coroner shall be known as the Sanborn County Sheriff on the completion of the present Coroner term on January 2, 2017.
FIRST READING:   March 1, 2016
SECOND READING:  March 15, 2016
ADOPTED this 15th day of March 2016
Sanborn County
Board of County
Diane Larson
Sanborn County

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