The Redmen Reading Club recently had their donut and juice party for the second quarter of school. Students that earned 40 or more Accelerated Reader points for the second quarter were guests at the event that was sponsored by the Friends of the Woonsocket Library.
Little Redmen pictured at left, sitting left to right around the table are: Aiden Lieber, Carter Christian, Hannah Terkildsen, Bailey Feistner and Daulton Guinn. Standing from left to right are: Jaycee Baruth, Madison Stephens, Dilyn Brooks and coordinator Pat Carsrud.

JUNIOR HIGH and high school students pictured from left to right are, back row: Carter Linke, Sydney Zeller, Aaron Linke, Wyatt Feistner, Garrett Larson, Andrew Lindgren, Caycee Guinn, Lily Overson and Cage Boschee; front row: Ashleigh Fry, Nathan Linke, Zeb Bruce,Taylor Burkel, Ely Garcia, Xavier Baysinger, Graceana Terkildsen, Madison Schmiedt and Noah Terkildsen. Not pictured is Tayla Weber.