The South Dakota 4-H Air Pistol team placed third nationally. This team placed in the top four in each phase of the competition. Team members pictured include: (left to right) coach, Arthur Kneen, Sanborn County; Wade McClanahan, Tripp County; Cassandra Ryckman, Hughes County; Katrina Fatherlos, Union County, and Carter Trefz, Faulk County.
BROOKINGS -The 2017 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships were held in Grand Island, Neb., June 25-30.
Twenty-seven South Dakota 4-H members were among the more than 700 to compete in the national event, which attracted youth from across the country.
South Dakota youth competed in theĀ Shotgun, 22 Pistol, 22 Rifle, Air Pistol, Air Rifle, Compound Archery, and Recurve Archery. Those youth qualified through their placings at the Spring Shoot in Pierre and the Fall Shoot in Mitchell.
The South Dakota 4-H Air Pistol team placed third nationally. This team placed in the top four in each phase of the competition. Team members include: Wade McClanahan, Tripp County; Cassandra Ryckman, Hughes County; Katrina Fatherlos, Union County and Carter Trefz, Faulk County. Arthur Kneen of Sanborn County coached the team.
For more information on the national teams, check iGrow.org.
For additional information about 4-H Shooting Sports, contact John Keimig, SDSU Extension 4-H Associate, at the State 4-H office, 605-688-4167.