Pictured are, back row, mentors Jason Bruce and Lynn Klaas; front row, mentees Darin Schmiedt and Emily Hendriksen.
Teachers from the Woonsocket School district are taking part in the South Dakota Department of Education Statewide Mentoring program, where teachers entering the field are paired with an experienced teacher. The program was established by the 2016 legislature to retain new teachers who enter into the field. Most teachers quit within the first five years of their career. These Woonsocket teachers are part of a two-year in-district program.
While attending the summer academy, held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center, the teachers were fortunate enough to be addressed by Alex Kajitani, the 2009 California teacher of the year, S.D. Secretary of Education, Dr. Melody Schopp, and S.D. Governor, Dennis Daugaard.
The new Sanborn Central/Woonsocket band teacher, Jacque Bratcher, and retired music instructor, Sandy Selland, will also participate in the mentor program this fall.