Myles Larson waits patiently to speak with the judge about his rabbit for the rabbit exhibit competition.
On Thursday through Saturday, Aug. 9-11, Forestburg was buzzing with 4-H members and spectators for Sanborn County’s Achievement Days.
A lot of work goes into organizing and preparing for these days. Thursday consisted of static and open class judging. Many 4-H club members and their parents brought several things to be judged in a number of different categories, including, but not limited to, home environment, science and technology, hobbies and collections, visual arts, photography, clothing and textiles, and food and nutrition.
Once the items were judged, the 4-Her put their entry on display for the rest of the weekend so that anyone who enjoyed one or all of the achievement days could see what the 4-Her had accomplished.
Friday brought a livestock judging contest in the morning for 4-H members to take part in and judge animals themselves. Friday also included small animal judging, which started with the companion pet/cat show at 1 p.m., followed by the rabbit show, and then the poultry show.
Stay tuned for information about Friday night’s and Saturday’s events. They will be reported on, and some pictures will be provided for your viewing pleasure in next week’s issue.
…See more pictures of the event in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!