The girls playing for SCW at the MVP C-team Jamboree on Saturday, Feb. 10 are pictured, back row, left to right: Coach Sarah Swenson, Cassidy Slykhuis, Ellie VonEye, Trista White, Brooke Doering, Casey Guinn, and Coach Robin Moody; front row: Samantha Dean, Morgan Schmiedt, Teya Moody, and Trinity Boschee.
This past Saturday, the SCW girls’ C-team went 3-0 at the Mount Vernon/Plankinton Round Robin Jamboree. They showed up, ready to play the first game against the MVP Titans, beating them 35-18.
Next, they took on the Ethan Rustlers and pulled out a win with a score of 36-29.
The last game was tough, with the Lady Blackhawks behind most of the game, but they battled back and at the final buzzer, SCW was the victor over the Kimball/White Lake WildKats, 28-26 for the championship.