PICTURED ARE most of the static exhibits that earned “Best of Show” by the judges for their categories. “Best of Show” entrants will earn special recognition and gifts from 4-H leaders on recognition night this fall.
Results from the 2019 Sanborn County Achievement Days are in!
Earning Special Honors with a “Best of Show” were: Clothing – Hope Baysinger, Ashlee Hanson, Westen White; Food Preservation – Bryce Larson; Foods and Nutrition – Hope Baysinger, Sydney Richardson, Taryn Ziebart; Home Environment – Ellie Evans, Austin Schmit; Horticulture – Megan Linke; Miscellaneous – Xavier Baysinger, Lane Burkel; Photography – Hope Baysinger, Toby Kneen; Visual Arts – Olivia Conrad, Blake Larson;
…See the rest of the results and another photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.