This year’s Mitchell Outlaws team competing at the South Dakota State Special Olympics in Huron last week were back row, left to right: Kyle Clarambeau, Coach Shana Jensen, Matt Baysinger and Aaron Krouse; front row: Julia Stach, Ian Ames, Brent Hieb and Coach Rod Clarambeau.
On July 15-16, six teams from all over South Dakota and one team from Iowa competed in the 2019 State Equestrian Competition in Huron. A local team, the Mitchell Outlaws, competed well and brought home several placings in each category. Members of the Mitchell Outlaws team that competed in Huron were Kyle Clarambeau of Letcher, Matt Baysinger of Woonsocket, Aaron Krouse of Montrose, Julia Stach of Letcher, Ian Ames of Woonsocket and Brent Hieb of Mitchell. The Mitchell Outlaws were coached by Shana (Clarambeau) Jensen and Rod Clarambeau, both of Letcher.
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!