WOONSOCKET COMMUNITY Pool Manager, Sarah Jensen, leads a session of Level 1 swimming lessons with the help of some of her great lifeguard staff members.
It was another successful summer of swimming lessons at the Woonsocket Community Pool. Over 200 kids were taught swimming techniques and pool safety in levels 1-6. Four one-week group sessions were held during the months of June and July. Kids from many areas, including Woonsocket, Sanborn Central, Wessington Springs, Huron and Mt. Vernon, attended lessons at the Woonsocket pool this summer. There were even kids from as far away as Wasilla, Alaska, and Phoenix, Ariz. Aside from the group lessons that the pool staff provides, 12 children were also taught in private lesson sessions.
The success of the Woonsocket Community Pool summer swimming lessons and open swims keeps families coming back year after year. It is a great resource in this rural community.
…See another photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.