On Monday, June 7, the Woonsocket Community Library kicked off their summer reading program “Tails and Tales” with a fun event in coordination with the Sanborn County 4-H clubs. Ninety kids are registered for this summer’s library reading program that runs through the months of June and July.
Those that attended the kick-off event were treated to a noon meal. At 1 p.m., the attendees were broken into groups that took turns at each of the five stations over the course of two hours. The animal theme was a central part of the event stations. The station in the Woonsocket science classroom included coloring a tote to carry books. The station in the gymnasium was led by preschool teacher Karen Jackson as she showed the kids how to draw a horse and a cow. The station in the commons area included coloring an animal themed bookmark. The in-library station involved finding and checking out books to take home. The final station was a petting zoo set up outside. Members of the Sanborn County 4-H clubs brought animals for the kids to pet and learn about. The animals included dogs, cats, chickens, alpacas, horses, goats, a lamb, and even a baby raccoon.
…See additional pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!