The Town of Artesian Council met on January 9, 2024, in regular session at the Artesian Community Center. Council Member Candi Danek called the meeting to order with Council Member Mike Salathe present. Also present were Finance Officer MaKenna Hertel and Richard Danek.
Public Participation: N/A
Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2023, financial reports and vouchers as presented; motion carried.
Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,190.29
Danek, Candace, Payroll $110.82
Hertel, MaKenna, Payroll $646.45
King, Travis, Payroll $110.82
Salathe, Michael, Payroll $313.61
Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00
Dawson Construction Inc., Utilities $2,325.44
Farmers Elevator Forestburg, Streets $1,208.10
Planning & Development, Fees $445.00
Larry’s I90 Service Inc., Streets $203.11
TK Electric, Services $9,280.00
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $19.81
Old Business:
Streets – discussion was held on snow removal. Sewer – discussion was held on Benders cleaning out two more sewer lines. Code Enforcement – discussion was held.
New Business:
Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to set the town election date as April 9, 2024. Candace Danek’s term is up for re-election, a three-year term. Regular town board meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at the Artesian Community Center at 7:30 p.m. Regular depositories are CorTrust Bank, Artesian, S.D. Official publication – Sanborn Weekly Journal. Regular meeting attendance for council members – $40.00 per meeting. Finance officer salary – $700.00 per month. Maintenance/mowing/snow removal – $18.00 per hour. Sewer wage $18.00 per hour. $50.00 per hour for tractor/snow removal/lawn mowing; mileage to $0.51 per mile. Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek; motion carried. Discussion was held about the Town of Artesian equipment list updates. Discussion was held on volunteer firemen.
There being no further business brought before the council, motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to adjourn; motion carried.
MaKenna Hertel City of Artesian
Finance Officer
Travis King
Council Member
Published once on January 25, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $27.00 and may be viewed free of charge at