June 2024

Notice is hereby given that a Petition requesting that a certain public roadway and street bordered by and located within Ravenna Township, Sanborn County, South Dakota, pursuant to SDCL 31-3-6, as hereinafter specifically described, has been received by the Supervisory Board of Ravenna Township; that the Petition may be examined by contacting the Township Clerk at the address indicated below; that the specific description of the property being requested to be vacated is:

That existing public right-of-way which includes the statutory right-of-way and any right-of-way acquired by deed(s). The south half less 40 feet from the north lying on the section line highway running north and south commonly known as 417th Avenue bordered by 244th Street on the south and 243rd Street on the north; and bordered on the east by Section 36, Township 105N, Range 59W; and on the west by Section 35, Township 105N, Range 59W, Sanborn County, South Dakota; said road being approximately 66 feet in width and approximately the South 1/2 mile minus 40 feet from the north in length according to the map on file with the Ravenna Township clerk.

Therefore, notice is hereby given that the Supervisory Board of Ravenna Township will hold a public hearing to consider the Petition for Vacation of the above described public roadway located in Ravenna Township, Sanborn County, South Dakota; such meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 7 o’clock p.m. at the Fredrichs residence, 41354 240th Street in Artesian, South Dakota.

That any persons interested in the proposed action may be present at said date and time and present their information, opinions, and/or arguments relative to the proposed action. Any persons unable to attend this hearing may deliver their written opinion for consideration by the Supervisory Board, such testimony should be delivered prior to the date and time of the scheduled hearing by mailing or delivering the opinion to: Judy Fredrichs, Clerk of Ravenna Township, 41354 240th Street, Artesian, South Dakota, 57314.


By Judy Fredrichs, Clerk

Published on June 13 and June 20, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $47.25 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Notice is given that Kingbrook Rural Water System, 302 East Ash Street, Arlington, SD 57212 has filed an application for a water permit to construct and place to beneficial use 1,100 acre-feet of water annually at a maximum pump rate of 2.6 cubic feet of water per second from up to four wells to be completed into the Spirit Lake Management unit of the Vermillion East Fork Aquifer (approximately 110 feet deep) located in the N 1/2 Section 6-T111N-R56W.  The water was appropriated and reserved by Future Use Permit No. 5209-3. This notice also identifies the revised naming of water appropriated and reserved under Future Use Permit No. 5209-3 as being from the Spirit Lake Management unit of the Vermillion East Fork Aquifer. The water will be used to supply the Kingbrook Rural Water System which serves users in Beadle, Clark, Kingsbury, Lake, Miner, McCook, Hamlin, and Sanborn counties.  This site is located approximately 5 miles northwest of De Smet, S.D.  

Pursuant to SDCL 46-2A-2, the Chief Engineer recommends APPROVAL of Application No. 8848-3 because 1) Future Use Permit No. 5209-3 reserved the water for future use by Kingbrook Rural Water System, 2) the proposed diversion can be developed without unlawful impairment of existing domestic water uses and water rights, 3) the proposed use is a beneficial use and 4) it is in the public interest as it pertains to matters of public interest within the regulatory authority of the Water Management Board.  The Chief Engineer’s recommendation with qualifications, the application, and staff report are available at https://danr.sd.gov/public or contact Ron Duvall for this information, or other information, at the Water Rights Program address provided below.  

Any person interested in opposing this application or recommendation shall allege that the application, upon approval, will cause injury to the person that is unique from any injury suffered by the public in general. The injury must concern a matter either within the regulatory authority found in SDCL 46-2A-9 for approval or denial of the application, or other matter concerning the application within the regulatory authority of the board to act upon as defined by SDCL 46-2-9 and 46-2-11, or both. Any person meeting the petitioner requirements and wishing to be a party of record in a contested case hearing shall file a written petition to oppose the application with BOTH the applicant and Chief Engineer. A petition opposing the application shall be filed on a form provided by the Chief Engineer. The petition form is available online at https://danr.sd.gov/public or by contacting the Chief Engineer. The Chief Engineer’s address is “Water Rights Program, Foss Building, 523 E Capitol, Pierre SD 57501” or call (605) 773-3352. The applicant’s mailing address is given above. If contesting the Chief Engineer’s recommendation, the applicant shall also file a petition. A petition filed by either an interested person or the applicant must be filed by June 24, 2024.

The petition shall include a statement describing the unique injury upon approval of the application on the petitioner, the petitioner’s reasons for opposing the application, and the name and mailing address of the petitioner or the petitioner’s legal counsel, if legal counsel is obtained.  

Any interested person may file a comment on the application with the Chief Engineer. The comment shall be filed on a form provided by the Chief Engineer and is available online at https://danr.sd.gov/public or by calling (605) 773-3352 or writing the Chief Engineer at the address provided above. Filing a comment does not make the commenter a party of record or a participant in any hearing that may be held. Any comment must be filed by June 24, 2024.

If the applicant does not contest the recommendation of the Chief Engineer and no petition to oppose the application is received, the Chief Engineer shall act on the application pursuant to the recommendation with no hearing held before the Water Management Board.  If a petition opposing the application or contesting the recommendation is filed, then a hearing will be scheduled, and the Water Management Board will consider this application.  Notice of the hearing will be given to the applicant and any person filing a petition.

Published once on June 13, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $48.25 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

Woonsocket City Council proceedings

Minutes - May 6, 2024

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Richard Reider at 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 6, 2024, with the following members present: Darin Kilcoin, Arin Boschee, Derek Foos, Joel Rassel, Brandon Goergen, and Elliott Ohlrogge. Finance officer Tara Weber was also present.

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Foos, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Foos, to approve the April Minutes. Motion carried. 

Motion by Goergen, seconded by Kilcoin, to approve the April Financial Statement. Motion carried.

Motion by Foos, seconded by Boschee, to approve the following bills; motion carried:

T&T Fencing $1,272.27 Cemetery

TC Enterprises $85.59 Shop

Santel Communications $1,087.36 Phone/Internet (Two Months)

Sanborn Weekly Journal $382.83 Publishing

Richard Jensen $740.22 Mileage/Classes

Register of Deeds $30.50 New Lots

Pullman Well Drilling $12,635.42 Pump

Public Health Lab $28.00 Water

Milbank Winwater $63.10 Water

Menards $105.65 Shop

Runnings Supply $636.93 Shop

Hawkins $40.00 Water

C&B Operations $4,380.80 Shop

Express 2 $499.39 Shop

Carquest of Mitchell $49.27 Shop

Benders $902.00 Sewer

MC&R Pools $1,079.80 Pool

Aramark $174.24 Shop

NorthWestern Energy $7,821.70 Utilities (Two Months)

KO’s Pro Service $28.49 Shop

South Dakota Retirement $1,672.32 Retirement

First National Bank of Omaha $3,756.87 Payroll Tax

Department of Revenue $222.95 Sales Tax


The community garden had its groundbreaking ceremony. Rian Boschee reported that seven out of the 15 spots are occupied.

Darin Kilcoin reported that the 4-H received $650.00 for the can recycling. They will continue to take care of the project.

The council discussed the recent report from the code enforcement officer. They recommend focusing on the properties that are not being occupied and the ongoing issue with cars. 

The city wide cleanup day is the 16th with free dump all month.

John Ames is working on getting  a quote for the roof of the building.

The Council discussed the streets.


Arin Boschee, having been elected to office, took his oath of office, and was seated as Councilmember Ward I for two years.

Elliott Ohlrogge, having been elected to office, took his oath of office, and was seated as Councilmember Ward I for one year.

Darin Kilcoin, having been nominated to office, took his oath of office, and was seated as Councilmember Ward II for two years.

Brandon Goergen, having been nominated to office, took his oath of office, and was seated as Councilmember Ward III for two years.

Richard Reider, having been nominated to office, took his oath of office, and was seated as Mayor for two years.

Mayor Reider announced the following person heretofore appointed to their respective offices without being required to re-qualify as follows: City Attorney, Christian Ellendorf; Finance Officer, Tara Weber; Cemetery Sexton, Marc Olson; Librarian, Tracey Steele; Water, Sewer, Streets and Maintenance, Richard Jensen and John Ames; Dumpground Caretaker, Richard Jensen; Official Newspaper, Sanborn Weekly Journal; Official Depository, First National Bank of Omaha and Dakotaland Federal Credit Union. 

Nominations were held for President of the Council. Motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Boschee to nominate Joel Rassel. With no other nominations, motion by Kilcoin, seconded by Boschee, to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.

Nominations were held for Vice President of the Council. Motion by Rassel, seconded by Foos to nominate Darin Kilcoin. With no other nominations, motion by Rassel, seconded by Goergen, to cast a unanimous ballot. Motion carried.

Mayor Reider presented the committee appointments.

The council discussed the upcoming Fourth of July water festival. A tree will be planted in conjunction with the celebration of life for John Baysinger for his contributions serving on the council. 

Motion by Foos, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the transfer of Liquor License from Skeeters to the community center for the Alumni Banquet. Motion carried.

The Council approved the closing of Dumont Ave for the street dance that is being held by Skeeters. Skeeters will be responsible for all set up and clean up.

Tom Fridley was on hand to discuss homecoming festivities. Discussion was held on what should be allowed and what would be considered vandalism. It was suggested that other communities have made signs to put in yards that are ok with the kids doing things such as toilet paper, forking, watermelons, etc. Discussion will continue to be had.

Motion by Rassel, seconded by Foos, to approve the following Malt Beverage renewals: Express Stop, Express 2, Woony Foods and The Muddy Cup. Motion carried. 

With no further business to be discussed, motion by Boschee, seconded by Foos, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m.

Richard Reider, 



Tara Weber, 

Finance Officer

Published once on June 13, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $56.75 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com.

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