August 2024

Achievement Days is right around the corner on Aug. 8-10! 4-Hers are busy finishing 4-H projects and final Youth-In-Action events.  One of those events included the Fashion Revue Contest held on Tuesday, July 23.  

The Fashion Revue Contest is an opportunity for youth to model complete outfits that are either made or selected by the exhibitor. Participants are judged on their interview, personal presentation, modeling, appearance of outfit/garment and responses to judges’ questions.  This year, there were four contestants who kept judge Cindy Larson busy with a total of seven outfits.  

Receiving purple ribbons at the Fashion Revue Contest were Ty Burkel (2), Emerson Johnson, Sophie Kelly (2) and Timothy Kelly (2).

…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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