For the past few years, we have read The Wild Robot chapter book in third grade. The students have loved that book so much and are always ready to read the next one in the series. When the news came out last spring that the book was getting turned into a movie, the halls were buzzing and there were many students begging to go to the movie. So when the school year began, we met as a group and decided to pursue this opportunity to go to the movie as a large group. We held a pizza feed and a silent auction with various donated items from families and community members. The fundraisers were a huge success and we exceeded our goal! We gathered together to summarize the book in illustrations on a white t-shirt and wore that t-shirt proudly to the Odyssey Theater in Mitchell for a special showing on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The students loved the movie, but the conversations that came later were so rewarding. All the differences between the book and movie were pointed out and discussed to finalize the project. This was such a wonderful opportunity, and we are so grateful to all who helped out in any way to turn this endeavor into a reality. Our adventure does not end there though. We are gathering as a group to determine what we can do with the leftover money from the fundraiser. Let’s see what great things the students will dream up!
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!