Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 27, 2024, at 8:55 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Absent was Paul Larson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the minutes from the December 10th meeting, as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
No public was in attendance for comment.
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills; motion carried:
Payroll before deductions:
Commissioners $6,642.21
Auditor $9,502.22
Treasurer $11,006.07
States Attorney $10,350.32
Courthouse $4,679.69
Assessor $12,643.84
Register of Deeds $10,650.42
Sheriff $21,863.43
Public Welfare $1,882.55
Ambulance $2,313.67
Extension Office $2,835.30
Weed $3,829.67
Drainage $258.36
Planning and Zoning $258.36
Road and Bridge $52,416.59
E-911 $203.06
Emergency Management $755.08
Sobriety Testing $202.98
First National Bank, Tax Liability $19,288.57
Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50
Town, Townships and Schools, Monthly Remittance $175,529.49
Jury Duty, Jury Duty $819.14
First National Bank of Omaha, Direct Deposit Fee $27.56
Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $24,759.12
AFLAC, Insurance $2,004.38
South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $11,462.66
Delta Dental, Insurance $1,060.00
Small Business, Insurance $25.00
Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $126.70
BEAM Vision & Life, Insurance $471.81
Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $492.89
Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30
First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $4,161.12
Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50
Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $41.40
AT&T Mobility, Utilities $447.20
Axon Enterprise Inc., Car Cameras $8,543.97
Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $1,644.50
Brosz Engineering, Inc., Services and Fees $60,857.50
Butler Equipment Company, Equipment $3,071.60
Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Court Appointed Fees $856.50
South Dakota Department of Legislative Audit, Audit for 2022-2023 $15,592.50
Express 2, Fuel $374.89
Soil Solutions Tile, Materials $7,001.30
Feistner Gravel & Excavation, Repairs $24,000.00
Thomas Fridley, Supplies $500.29
Karl Chevrolet, INC., 2024 Chevy Tahoe $50,650.20
KO’S Pro Service, Repairs $2,726.52
Mcleods Printing & Supply, Supplies $435.70
Midwest Concrete & Excavating, Repairs $10,204.10
Mitchell Quarry, Supplies $734.40
Motorola Solutions, Inc., Software Upgrade $1,382.26
Napa Central, Supplies $21.07
National Association of State Surplus, Dues $190.00
NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $2,245.40
Office Peeps, Inc., Supplies $121.81
Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee Nov. 2024 $360.95
Premier Equipment, Supplies $93.62
Redwood Toxicology Lab, UA Cups $301.23
Runnings Supply Co., Supplies $438.71
South Dakota Department of Transportation, Dues $2,210.22
South Dakota County Weed and Pest Board, Dues $550.00
South Dakota States Attorney Association, 2025 Membership Dues $734.90
SDSU Extension, Dues $65.00
James D. Taylor, Professional Legal Services $456.25
TC Enterprises, Supplies $35.71
TranSource Truck and Equipment, Repairs $1,760.37
Verizon, Utilities $40.04
Ron Volesky, Court Appointed Attorney Fees $1,023.50
Woony Foods, Supplies $66.50
Sheri Kogel, Highway Department and Jamie VanZee, Brosz Engineering, were present. VanZee made a recommendation to the board regarding the bids that were opened at the December 10th meeting for the structure repair of 56-200-153 on 414th Avenue, between 235th and 236th Streets. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson to accept the bid from Timmons Construction, Inc., for $737,386.61, for County Highway 35 Bridge replacement PCN 09HF to the low bidder, pending South Dakota Department of Transportation concurrence. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to have the chairman sign the construction agreement with Brosz Engineering for project 56-200-153 bridge replacement with cast-in-place box culvert and to have the highway superintendent or highway administrative assistant sign all documents regarding this project moving forward. Motion carried.
TJ Thomas and Tim Storly were both present to give the board the yearly numbers for services provided to Sanborn County. Currently, a representative will be in Sanborn County on the third Wednesday of each month.
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter agreement for the state aid for the salary of the County Veterans Service Officer. Motion carried. This agreement provides 25 percent reimbursement to the county for what they pay for the Veterans Service Officer to serve Sanborn County.
A public hearing was held at 10:30 a.m. for the following budget supplement, followed by a motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to supplement the following budget: Ag Building in the amount of $99,459 for the building addition payments that were made in 2024. Motion carried.
Kaley Nolz, District 20 Representative, was present to discuss topics with the board that will be in front of her in the decision-making process when she heads to Pierre in January for the legislative session. Also present for discussion was Judy Fredrichs and Crystal Page.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to transfer the following amounts from contingency to the department named to balance for the year:
E-911 (207-225-422) – $800;
Weed (101-615-426) – $25,871;
Modernization and Preservation (250-163-426) – $11,482;
Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve an automatic supplement to the 4-H building budget for $75,336.12, received from the Sanborn County 4-H Leaders in fiscal year 2024 for the completion of the 4-H building. Motion carried.
The auditor informed the board that the general fund surplus analysis shows the county is compliant with SDCL 7-21-18.1 by having the total unreserved, undesignated fund balance of the general fund less than 40 percent of the total amount of all general fund appropriations.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to transfer from the 4-H building deposits fund, into the general fund, for $250, due to the county no longer doing deposits, but instead a flat rental fee for building rentals; transfer from the general fund to Emergency Management fund, for $3,799.76 to cover expenses until grant funds are received. Motion carried.
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer to unassign $45,000 from the Buildings and Repairs assigned funds for the Roof Replacement Repair; and $100,000 from the 4-H Building assigned funds, for the county’s designated amount for the 4-H building addition. Motion carried.
Auditor Moody presented the jail contracts between the Sanborn County Sheriff’s Office and the following jails listed below. All contracts are for the calendar year 2025. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the listed jail agreements; motion carried:
Beadle County – $105 per day;
Brule County – $74 per day;
Charles Mix County – $90 per day
Davison County – $105 per day;
Hughes County, for Juvenile – $420 per day;
Lake County – $90 per day;
Beadle County, for Juvenile – $325 per day.
Auditor Moody informed the board that levies are approved, printed, and turned over to the treasurer to be distributed.
The courthouse will be closed on Monday, January 1st, in observance of New Year’s Day and January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The Drainage Board minutes from December 11th were reviewed, discussed, and approved.
States Attorney Jeff Larson could not be present, but the board had a gift for him, along with the other courthouse staff, thanking him for his 40 years of service to the county and wishing him well in his retirement. Auditor Moody presented Mr. Larson with his gift on Thursday.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to release the liens for Merle Northrup and Dustin and Ashley Pollard. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter executive session at 11:19 a.m. for legal advice, along with Deputy States Attorney Aaron Pilcher present. Motion carried. Ebersdorfer declared end of executive session at 11:25 a.m.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to sign the agreement with Randy Morgan, regarding a drainage ditch that runs through his property. Motion carried.
There being no further business before the board, motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:34 p.m. Motion carried.
The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Kami Moody
Sanborn County Auditor
Jeff Ebersdorfer
Chairman of the Board,
Sanborn County
Published once on January 9, 2025, at the total approximate cost of $100.00 and may be viewed free of charge at