The Town of Artesian Council met on March 11, 2025, in regular session at the Artesian Community Center at 7:30 p.m. Council Member Travis King called the meeting to order with Council Members Mike Salathe and Candi Danek present. Also present were Finance Officer MaKenna Wormstadt, Richard Danek, Jacob Dawson, Karen Lambert, Alex Wormstadt, Barb Metzinger, Jeff Funk, Angel Zobel, Brad Zobel, Ashley Berry, Lisa Kruger, Kaleigh Zoss, Andrew Zoss, Charles Beaudry, Shilo Peer, and Kelsey Kaiser.
Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Public Participation: Discussion was held on business entities, ownership on a loan, and what an authorized signer is. Discussion was held on city cleanup; a Sunday would work best. Discussion was held on FEMA and projects not yet completed. Discussion was held on the tractor purchased by the city.
The minutes of the February 11, 2025, meeting, monthly financial reports and vouchers were presented; motion to approve by Danek, seconded by Salathe; motion carried.
Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,348.90
Hertel, Makenna, Payroll $688.41
Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00
Dawson Construction Inc., Utilities $1,646.44
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $55.90
C & B, Equipment $9,650.12
Farmers Elevator, Materials $1,639.15
South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Fees $100.00
Old Business:
Streets – Discussion was held on gravel for the streets.
Discussion was held on the lagoons.
Discussion was held on nuisance properties. There are no changes or updates.
Discussion was held on Dueling Pianos. The total that was donated was $19,359.00. In expenses, the fire department had $1,396.93 and the city had $4,268.85, which is a total of $5,638.78. After expenses have been taken out, the profit is $13,720.22, which is a split profit of $6,860.11.
Moved by King, seconded by Danek, to go into Executive Session as permitted by SDCL 1-25-2(3) Legal at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried.
Danek declared the board out of executive session at 7:50 p.m. and the City Council to reconvene in regular session. Motion carried.
New Business:
Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to hire Jacob Dawson and his law firm to represent the Town of Artesian; all present voted aye; motion carried.
The Equalization meeting has been set for Monday, March 17, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. at the Artesian Community Center.
Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to accept the resignation of MaKenna Wormstadt; all present voted aye, motion carried. Makenna will stay on until a new finance officer is appointed; she will also help train the new finance officer.
Discussion was held on fixing up the new city shed door.
Discussion of no election for the 2025 year was held; there were two petitions turned in; one was withdrawn. Kelsey Kaiser was duly nominated and, having no opposition at the municipal election, is hereby declared elected to the office of the Artesian City Council for a term of two years, beginning May 13, 2025.
Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to approve the 2024-year end reports; all present voted aye; motion carried. Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to look into different cell phone providers to purchase a city cell phone that will be kept by the City Finance Officer; all present voted aye; motion carried.
Motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to purchase pallet forks for the city tractor to be used to load the sprayer on the truck, move trees, etc.; all present voted aye; motion carried.
Discussion was held on the H&R bin, for use of metals only. Discussion was held on making signs for reminders of what can be put into the H&R bin.
Discussion was held on the money that has been raised for the new playset; two grants have been received: Santel Communications – $500.00 and ALM grant – $2,000.00, along with profit from the raffle, $2,335.75, and the Dueling Pianos, $6,860.11, which is a total of $11,695.75 that has been fundraised for the new playset.
There being no further business brought before the council, motion by Salathe, seconded by Danek, to adjourn; motion carried.
Town of Artesian
Finance Officer
Travis King
Council Member
Published once on March 20, 2025, at the total approximate cost of $46.00 and may be viewed free of charge at