Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

JANUARY 10, 2017

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. with Paul Larson, Steve Larson, Blindauer, Ohlrogge, and Ebersdorfer present. Auditor Larson was also present.
This being the annual reorganization of the Board of County Commissioners, the county auditor called for nominations for chairman of the board. Paul Larson nominated Jeff Ebersdorfer. Motion by Steve Larson, seconded by Blindauer, that nominations cease. Motion carried. Ebersdorfer will be the chairman. Ebersdorfer called for nominations for vice-chairman.    Blindauer nominated Steve Larson. Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, that nominations cease. Motion carried. Steve Larson will be the vice-chairman. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Lee Goergen, Highway Superintendent/Weed Supervisor, met with the board to discuss plans for 2017.
Chairman Ebersdorfer made the following appointments: Mental Health and Drug/Alcohol Board, Paul Larson; 4-H Advisory Board, Steve Larson; District III, Ray Ohlrogge; Sanborn County Rural Development, Jeff Ebersdorfer; County Planner, Penny Farris; Economic Development Board, Ray Ohlrogge; SD Housing Authority Board, Jeff Ebersdorfer; Planning and Zoning, Ray Ohlrogge; and Drainage Board, Gary Blindauer and Paul Larson. It was moved by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the appointments. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to establish a cost of $2,400.00 for county burial or cremation plus $0.75 per mile within the state. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, that the following places be designated for holding chattel mortgage sales in Sanborn County for 2017: The front door of the Courthouse, City of Woonsocket; between Block Four and Five, Original Plat, Town of Letcher; and the public street on the north side of the CorTrust Bank, City of Artesian. All members voted yes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to designate CorTrust Bank of Artesian, First National Bank South Dakota, Edward Jones of Mitchell, Dakotaland Federal Credit Union, and SD Public Funds Investment Trust (FIT) as legal depositories and the Sanborn Weekly Journal as the legal newspaper. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to approve expenses for county commissioners, county officials, and county employees to attend all scheduled meetings pertaining to county business for 2017. All members voted yes.  Motion carried.
It was moved by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to pay bills at each regular meeting as needed. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to set mileage and meals at state rates. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to set wage of election workers at $150.00 plus mileage per day and to pay $35.00 plus mileage for school of instruction, if attended. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to declare old iron, used bridge planks, old culverts, used tires and old parts as surplus with maximum value of $1,000.00. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to use the state bid list for county purchases. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to set the commissioners’ salary at $7,260.00 annually, mileage included as part of salary, plus insurance. All ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by P. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to appoint Jason Coenen as the Emergency Management Director. All ayes.Motion carried.
It was moved by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to establish four (4) or less voting precincts.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Precincts will be as follows:
Precinct #1:    Afton, Floyd, Benedict, Oneida, Artesian City, Diana, Union, Ravenna – Artesian Community Center;
Precinct #2: Butler, Letcher, Letcher City, Logan, and Elliott – Letcher Community Center;
Precinct #4: Jackson, Twin Lake, Woonsocket Township, Silver Creek Township, Ward 2 – Woonsocket Community Center;        Precinct #5: Wards 1 and 3, Warren Township – Woonsocket Community Center.
It was moved by Ohlrogge, seconded by S. Larson, to set board wages for zoning and drainage at $45.00 per diem plus mileage. All ayes. Motion carried.
By agreement of the board the annual meeting with townships and towns will be on February  21st at 1:30 p.m. in the 4-H Building.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to set the wage for extra part-time help for the Register of Deeds, Treasurer, Auditor, Sheriff’s Office, and Janitor at $8.55 per hour. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, that the Register of Deeds will submit the money collected in that office each month to the treasurer by the 20th of the following month and the sheriff by the 15th. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the SDSU Extension and Counties of South Dakota for the year 2017 in the amount of $5,661.00 per year for the 4-H Advisor. All ayes.  Motion carried.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to compromise a lien for K.H. in the amount of $6,875.69. The person is deceased and has no estate. All ayes. Motion carried.
Brian McGinnis, District III; Penny Farris, Director of Equalization; Myron Sonne, Planning and Zoning Board; Todd Brueske and Tom Mitzel met with the board to discuss the amendments proposed for the Zoning Ordinance. McGinnis discussed the possibilities. Much discussion was held on the pros and cons of the changes for a small rural area. McGinnis will do the revisions to proposed amendments as discussed and send them to Farris to present them to the Planning & Zoning Commission on February 6th, for their approval.
Myron Sonne, on behalf of the Planning and Zoning Board, presented a recommendation to increase the variance fee from $250.00 to $350.00 and to place a minimum of $200.00 to the fees if construction is started without a required permit. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to increase the fees. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to supplement the courthouse budget for $15,250.00 for repairs to the floors. This money is assigned funds for courthouse improvements. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to pay the following bills. Motion carried.
Office of Child Support Enforcement, Wage Garnish $240.00
Accounts Management Inc., Wage Garnish $257.27
First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,492.73
Dakota Floors Design Inc., Finishing Floors $15,250.00
Merchants Bank Equipment Finance, Road Grader Payment $24,561.65
SDAAO, Registration Fee $300.00
Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $2,916,291.43
Register of Deeds $6,162.00
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the following salaries for the year 2017, including the insurance incentive. All ayes. Motion carried.
Tom Fridley, Sheriff, Annually $48,904.37
Jason Coenen, Deputy Sheriff, Annually $37,888.45
Naif Alatta, Deputy Sheriff, Annually $34,320.00
Patty Anderson, 24/7, Monthly $150.00
Jason Coenen, Emergency Management, Annually $477.35
Jeff Larson, States Attorney, Annually $41,791.82
Elizabeth Hoffman, Clerk, Annually $24,876.80
Penny Farris Director of Equalization, Annually $38,980.86
Karen Krueger, Treasurer, Annually $44,633.44
Barb Regynski, Deputy Auditor and Treasurer, Annually $33,125.64
Diane Larson, Auditor, Annually $43,193.41
Lynn Brueske, Register of Deeds, Annually $42,473.44
Tom Carda, Janitor, Annually $39,337.44
Jolene Anderson, Secretary, Hourly $10.87
Steve Larson, Commissioner, Annually $7,260.00
Ray Ohlrogge, Commissioner, Annually $7,260.00
Gary Blindauer, Commissioner, Annually $7,260.00
Paul Larson, Commissioner, Annually $7,260.00
Jeff Ebersdorfer, Commissioner, Annually $7,260.00
Lee Goergen, Highway Superintendent/Weed Supervisor, Annually $47,010.93
Sheri Kogel,  Secretary, Annually $35,209.71
Alberta Fink, Deputy Register of Deeds, Hourly $14.93
Sherryl Rankin, Secretary, Hourly $10.87
Perianne Clendenning, Hourly $10.87
Robert Smith, Highway, Hourly $14.56
Kiley Forbes, Highway, Hourly $17.57
R. Dale Schow, Highway, Hourly $14.82
Brian Pearson, Highway, Hourly $18.51
Timothy Steckel, Highway, Hourly $15.80
Stacy Mendenhall, Highway, Hourly $16.15
Jim Luthi, Highway, Hourly $14.82
David Hjelm, Highway, Hourly $15.69
There being no further business, motion by R. Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 17, 2017.
Diane Larson
Sanborn County Auditor
Jeff Ebersdorfer
Chairman of the Board,
Sanborn County

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