The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on May 22 at the 4-H Building.
Prior to the meeting, club members prepared Memorial Day cards to send to their elderly friends and completed a baby animal name matching activity.
The meeting was called to order by Co-President Xavier Baysinger. The Flag Pledge was led by Trevor Johnson, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Corbyn Broer.
Roll call was led by Co-Secretary Acaiya Schultz with the topic, “Name a Flower” which was answered by 23 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Co-Secretary Bailey Feistner and approved as read.
The treasurer’s report was given by Co-Treasurer Lane Burkel and approved as presented.
Co-Health and Safety Officer Ty Burkel presented safety tips on protecting yourself from sunburn.
A report was given by Hope Baysinger on the Flag Burning Ceremony that the club did with the American Legion and the entire Woonsocket School student body. Members talked about the reasons for honoring the flag and how it shows respect to Veterans and the military service that defends our rights and freedoms in the U.S.
Reports were given by Isaiah Schultz on Barrel Setting, George Broer on Shooting Sports, and Bailey Feistner on Small Animal Weigh-in and the SD 4-H Legislative Program.
The club discussed setting a Project Day date, getting the YQCA training completed, and that club t-shirts have been ordered.
The Sanborn County Farmers Union camp is scheduled for May 25. Plans were discussed for the 4-H members who will be presenting round-table sessions on various project areas during the camp.
Plans were set for 4-H Club members who will be distributing poppies and accepting donations for Veterans. This is scheduled for Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in Woonsocket.
Discussion was held for plans for the American Legion Post 29 Memorial Day program on May 31. Committee members appointed are Trevor and Kahle Johnson, Shiloh Senska, Hope and Xavier Baysinger, Megan Linke and Emily Ohlrogge. The committee will meet again after Poppies to finalize plans.
4-H Events for the summer have been scheduled as follows: July 7 – Special Foods, July 13 – Public Speaking, and July 28 – Fashion Revue.
The theme for the summer library program is Tales and Tails, and Librarian Bev Dunn has asked the group to help with an animal nursery on June 7 to kick off the summer program. The club members talked about plans to bring animals for that event.
Following the meeting, Co-Recreation Officer Trevor Johnson led club members in a game called “Look Down, Look Up.”
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!