The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Red Group met on Friday, Sept. 27, to do talks and demonstrations. London Metzger gave an illustrated talk on her travel collection. Nick Snedeker told us about welding. Gigi Roberts presented a talk on how to make jewelry from old computer CD’s. Kaitlyn Swenson talked about shooting sports. Alexa Goertz explained the steps and importance of good care of your teeth when you have braces. Lainey Goertz presented a demonstration on how to make an easy bird feeder.
The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met again on Oct. 13, at the Community Center in Woonsocket. Prior to the meeting, members worked on cards and letters to their elderly friends.
The meeting was called to order by President Xavier Baysinger. The Flag Pledge was led by Trevor Johnson, and the 4-H Pledge was led by London Metzger.
Roll call was led by Bailey Feistner with the topic, “What Is Your Favorite Fall Activity?” which was answered by 19 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Secretary Brooklyn Swenson and approved as presented.
The treasurer’s report was given by Evan Ohlrogge. It was moved by Lane Burkel, seconded by Emily Ohlrogge, to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Health/Safety Officer Hope Baysinger encouraged us to get enough sleep and told us why that is important.
For reports, Hope Baysinger told the group about her first time participating in Horse Safety/Fun Day, while as an experienced horse member, Bailey shared how she helped with the day. The group also heard a report on Shooting Sports Awards night from Shiloh Senska and Emily Ohlrogge. Emmitt Feistner told the club about what he learned at the Trapping workshop.
Under old business, members talked about the plans for the 4-H Week celebration assembly at the school this week. 4-H members were also reminded to write a letter to the editor about 4-H.
The club reviewed the barrel setting schedule for Oct. 25-27 in Huron.
Ideas were proposed for a 4-H fun day, including bowling, swimming, Air Madness, ice skating, rock climbing, a movie, Children’s Museum and a mystery trip. The club members will work on a date and decide on what to do at a future meeting.
Under new business, discussion was held about the election of officers that will be at the November meeting. Members were reminded that they needed to complete re-enrollment for the new 4-H year at 4-H Online.
Members reviewed their 2019-20 club goals. After discussion, it was moved by Lane Burkel, seconded by Shiloh Senska, to set the following club goals: 1) Try a new project, 2) Attend at least four meetings, 3) Everyone turn in their record book on time, 4) Each 4-H member participates in an least one community service project. Motion carried. They also talked about award planning.
Leader Paula Linke offered an incentive to get each member’s talk or demonstration done early. Any 4-H member who does a talk or demonstration at a club meeting by the end of March, or does a county level public presentation, will be entered in a drawing to win one of two $25 cash prizes.
Members were told about a shooting sports fundraiser selling Thirty-one bags.
Recognition Event is Sunday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. at the 4-H Building. Families are asked to bring a snack to share, and two dozen cookies or bars for the sponsor plates.
Plans were discussed for celebrating American Education Week, Nov. 18-22.
The club is going to work on scheduling a project day over Christmas break.
Following the meeting, snacks were served by the Senska family. 4-H members participated in a Horticulture ID contest, completed elderly friend cards and voted on American Education ideas.
London Metzger presented a demonstration on making a sensory bin with sensory beads for kids. Hope Baysinger talked about what to look for when choosing a photo for the photography exhibit. Trevor Johnson showed everyone how to make a Halloween donut snack. Shiloh Senska told about the ring toss game he made. Xavier Baysinger demonstrated how to create a stencil design on a glass. Hope Baysinger shared some tips on doing a selected outfit.
Possible next meeting dates include Nov. 3 or 10 and Dec. 1 or 8.
…See photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!