The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Blue Group met on Sunday, Aug. 18, at 5 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center. The meeting was called to order by the president, Ellie Evans. Pledges were led by Dean Hanson and Cole Wilson. The roll call topic “What was your favorite project?” was answered by 18 members and six clover buds. A motion was made by Miley Adams to pay the current bills; motion was seconded by Dean Hanson.
Old Business:
Achievement Days: The group discussed likes and dislikes.
New Business:
A motion was made by Kaylee Adams to have the next meeting at the Woonsocket nursing home with projects. Cade Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Thirteen members read their 4-H stories for their record books. Nathan Linke talked to the club about being a 4-H ambassador and the importance of public speaking. Paula Linke talked to the club about expectations for record books.
Talks/Demonstrations: Cooper Goldammer – Canning Beets.
…See a photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.