The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club Blue Group met on Sunday, April 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center. The meeting was called to order by president, Ellie Evans. Pledges were led by Kelly Wilson and Brooklyn Larson. Roll call question was “What is your favorite color of jelly bean?” Twenty-three members and six clover buds answered the roll call question. Payton Uecker read the secretary’s report; no changes were made. Bryce Larson gave the treasurer’s report. Teagen Moody made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report, and Cole Wilson seconded the motion.
Old Business: Roxann has poster paper for anyone who wants to make a poster for Achievement Days. The first drawing for the early project completion incentive will be on April 29. If you have a project completed, take a picture and send it to Sherryl or one of the club leaders. Velma reported the club made about $4,000 on fruit sales this year; that money will be used to add on to the 4-H building.
New Business: Jeremy Uecker will be doing a computer coding workshop on Sunday, April 14, following the next 4-H meeting at approximately 6:30 p.m. If you are interested let Janet know so she can give Jeremy a number of participants. Letcher Fun Days will be held on June 7-8. Letcher Fun Day committee members are: Ellie Evans, Delaney Zoss, Brady Larson, Bryce Larson, Payton Uecker and Caleb Kneen. This committee will need to be in contact with Deb Jacobsen and figure out a plan for the Fun Days. Sanborn County 4-H is participating in the 10,000 shoe drive (Soles4Souls). Each club member’s family is asked to donate a slightly used pair of shoes for the shoe drive at the April 14 meeting.
There are many upcoming events: Livestock Workshop – April 13, Horse Safety – April 15, Barn Quilt registration deadline- May 10, YQCA training – May 20 in Plankinton and May 22 in Forestburg, Market Animal Weigh-in – May 22, Special Foods Contest – May 29, Deadline for entering animals online – June 1, TLC in Brookings – June 3-7, Performing Arts Camp – June 9-15, 4-H Camp – June 10-12, Fashion Revue – July 9, Public Presentation Contest – July 11.
The following talks/demonstrations were given: Cain Zoss – BB Gun Safety and Parts of a BB Gun, Delaney Zoss- Horse Discipline, Caleb Kneen – Great Sportsmanship, Payton Uecker – How to make Chocolate Chip Cookies, Westen White – Wood Carving, Miley Adams – Derby Car, Teagen and Memphis Moody – Flag Folding, Kenzie Uecker – Sensory Bottles.
The next meeting is April 14 at 4 p.m. at the Letcher Community Center.
…See a photo in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!