Wheat Growers of Woonsocket, received the 2017 Sanborn County 4-H Outstanding Contributions award, accepted by Layton Schimke, who’s pictured with some of the 4-H Leaders of Sanborn County. Wheat Growers supports the 4-H program, both through financial contributions and through deeds, such as providing a truck with a water tank and pump with hookups to supplement the livestock wash rack for Achievement Days, and helping prepare and serve the community breakfast.
Sanborn County 4-H held their annual Recognition Event on Nov. 11 at the 4-H Grounds in Forestburg. Receiving a token of remembrance of their 2016-2017 4-H year as a Cloverbud were: Kaylee Adams, Whitney Adams, Sury Bechen, Ledoux Bracha, Wiley Bracha, Ty Burkel, Emmitt Feistner, Kaidence Fridley, Anna Hunter, Trevor Johnson, Sophie Kelly, Timothy Kelly, Brooklyn Larson, Myles Larson, Memphis Moody, Shiloh Senska, Averie Turner, McKenzie Uecker, Aurelia White, Weston White, Cain Zoss and Landree Zoss.
4-Hers completing the requirements for their Participation Medals were:
First year award pin: Miley Adams, Shay Bechen, Danielle Brooks, Alexa Goertz, Riley Kneen, Teagen Moody, Sydney Richardson, Kadyn Turner, Cannon Zoss;
Bronze Award (second year and beyond): Hope Baysinger, Allison Britton, Lane Burkel, Keaton Fridley, Kenlie Fridley, Victoria Hoffman, Bryce Larson, Alex Schelske, Amber Schelske, Dana Schelske, Elisha Schultz, Sutton Senska, Kaitlyn Swenson, Payton Uecker;
Silver Award (3rd year and beyond): Charles Hunter, Henry Hunter, Caleb Kneen, Isaiah Schultz, Delaney Zoss;
Gold Award (fourth year and beyond): Ellie Evans, Toby Kneen, Acaiya Schultz
5-year award pin: Bailey Feistner, Camden Jost, Toby Kneen, Brady Larson, Emily Ohlrogge.
10-year award pin: Catherine Bechen, Shaun Snedeker, Ty Ziebart.
A 4-H varsity letter was presented to all 4-H members who have completed five years. Receiving their 4-H varsity letters were: Camden Jost, Carver Lindsey, Ashlee Hanson, Toby Kneen, Brady Larson, Bailey Feistner, Charles Hunter, Emily Ohlrogge.
…See a complete list of all those recognized, along with pictures, in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.