4-H CLUB members get instructions on how to make a reindeer clothespin craft from Leader Lisa Snedeker.
The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Nov. 5 at the Community Center in Woonsocket.
The meeting was called to order by President Nathan Linke. The flag pledge was led by Acaiya Schultz and the 4-H pledge was led by Brooklyn Swenson. Roll call was led by Vice President Xavier Baysinger with the question, “What is your middle name?” which was answered by 31 members and guests. We also did introductions and welcomed new members, Logan Potrament, Lainey Goertz, Alex Anderson, and Blake and Chaz Larson.
The secretary’s report was read by Spens Schlicht, and approved as read. The treasurer’s report was given by Acaiya Schultz and approved. The club is expecting income from barrel setting and will have expenses for National Education Week.
A report on the horse/safety day was given by Bailey Feistner. A barrel setting review was given by Emily Ohlrogge and Morgan Schmiedt. Evan Ohlrogge read a thank you received from the club’s elderly friend, Alice Baruth.
Under old business, they talked about bringing two dozen cookies and a pot-luck dish for the recognition event on Nov. 11. Make sure to wear a green 4-H shirt for pictures. Club members who need a club T-shirt need to get their size to Leader Paula Linke.
They discussed plans for celebrating American Education Week Nov. 13-17. They need to write their teacher notes and get the gifts ready, and they also need families to make chocolate chip cookies. The club reviewed the election of officers from last month and talked about additional positions that are open.
Under new business, they talked about some community service ideas such as Heroes Among Us recognizing veterans or a digital sign for community event announcements.
The club is going to participate in the Parade of Trees at the Courthouse, and Gavin Scofield, Logan Potrament, Sutton Senska, Blake Larson, and Lane Burkel were assigned as committee members.
Record Books and member certificates were passed out by Paula.
The club planned their December Christmas Caring project and decided to deliver goodies/goodie plates to their elderly friends.
The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Dec.10 at 2 p.m. at the 4-H Building.
Character Officer Bailey Feistner led an “I’m Thankful” character activity.
Following the meeting, club members wrote notes to their elderly friends, prepared for celebrating American Education Week and made a clothespin craft.