According to her mother, “Bailey Feistner has always dreamed of Woonsocket having a night out of a Hallmark Christmas movie,” and over the weekend the WHS senior did her best to make that happen. Although the area was digging out from over a foot of snow that had fallen for two days prior to the day the event was scheduled to take place, Feistner simply did what most project planners have to do, she made an executive decision and postponed the event for a day to give everyone a chance to still take part in the joyous occasion.
So, on Saturday, Dec. 17, the streets around Lake Prior were lit up with 24 floats from individuals and businesses who braved the cold to celebrate Christmas and support Feistner for her creative senior project idea. It was a beautiful site to see the lit-up vehicles from across the lake slowly make their way around the lake and down the highway.
In addition to the Parade of Lights, the Spirit of Faith Church also held a BBQ sandwich feed in the commons of the school to help raise money for the backpack program in Woonsocket and successfully raised $750. Santa Claus took time out of his busy schedule to visit with kids during the feed. Following the parade, the Woonsocket Post Prom Committee had a chili feed at the Back 9.
…Read on and see additional pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!