On Tuesday, May 17, the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket FFA Chapter met at the Sanborn Central School gymnasium to hold their annual banquet to honor the year’s achievements and conduct end-of-year business.
The opening ceremonies were led by the chapter’s 2021-2022 officers, Sentinel Brady Larson, Reporter Casady Dean, Treasurer Ellie Evans, Parliamentarian Brooklyn Johnson, Historian Cody Slykhuis, Secretary Bailey Feistner, Vice President Dilyn Brooks and President Malorie Mattke.
A potluck meal was enjoyed by members and guests following President Mattke’s welcome and the invocation.
Keynote speaker Corey Flatten, Sanborn Central high school social studies and junior/senior English teacher, addressed the group about the importance of leadership, how role models influence those around them, and what good leadership looks like.
…Read on and see pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!