Pictured are FFA members competing at the District 4 CDE: Aaron Linke, Rex Schlicht, Charlie Enfield, Riley Schmiedt, Nathan Linke and Jonathan Linke. Not pictured: Lacey Christensen.
The District 4 Career Development Event (CDE) was held at the MTI campus on Nov. 5. The CDEs were held to decide who would advance to the State CDE in Pierre. Fall CDEs are meant to build leadership skills. Woonsocket had seven FFA members participating.
Aaron Linke, Riley Schmiedt and Charlie Enfield competed as a team in the Ag Sales CDE. The product they had to sell was Purina horse feed.
In public speaking, Jonathan Linke presented a speech on preparing beef cattle for show titled “Goin’ Showin’” and Nathan Linke gave a speech about raising chickens called “Country Chickens.”
Rex Schlicht and Lacey Christensen competed in the job interview CDE. They had to fill out a resumé in advance and then on the night of the contest, they did a personal interview.
Jonathan Linke applied and interviewed for a district office.
The fall FFA fruit fundraiser was a huge success with total sales of just under $11,000. Fruit will be delivered by the second week of December. Top salesmen were Jonathan, Aaron and Nathan Linke and Colton Hotchkiss.
The next planned event for FFA is to decorate for the school Christmas concert that will be held on Dec. 11 at 7 p.m.