TWO CHECKS in the amount of $2,500 each were presented to the Sanborn County 4-H program and the Woonsocket Fire Department Tuesday afternoon. Members of Sanborn County 4-H, along with Extension Agent Audra Scheel (back row, far left) and Leader Paula Linke (far right) accepted the checks for the 4-H program, while Brandon Goergen (front, with check) represented the Fire Department. Bjorn Nelson of Monsanto (middle, red coat) and Kevin Baysinger (middle) presented the checks to the organizations.
Kevin Baysinger of Woonsocket has been selected as a winner in America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. Grow Communities gives farmers the opportunity to win a $2,500 donation to direct to their favorite local nonprofit organizations.
To further support counties that have been USDA-declared disaster areas due to drought, winning farmers in these counties were able to direct double the donation, a total of $5,000 to further support the community. Sanborn County was declared a disaster area by the USDA, giving Baysinger the opportunity to place two $2,500 donations. He selected the Woonsocket Volunteer Fire Department and Sanborn County 4-H to be the recipients.
The Woonsocket Volunteer Fire Department, Sanborn County 4-H, Baysinger and a Monsanto representative participated in a check presentation ceremony on Tuesday, March 26 at the Woonsocket Fire Hall.
In 1,271 eligible counties in 39 states, farmers could sign up for the opportunity to win a $2,500 donation for their favorite community nonprofit. This year, the Monsanto Fund will invest over $5 million in rural America through Grow Communities, which includes double donations for counties suffering from the historic drought.
America’s Farmers Grow Communities is sponsored by the Monsanto Fund to highlight the important contributions farmers make every day to our society and to help them positively impact their communities. This program is part of the Monsanto Fund’s overall effort to support rural America.