BACK ROW, left to right: Head coaches Tim McCain and Rob Baruth, McKenzy Peterson (stats), Leah Baysinger, Savannah Swenson, Shelby Selland, Myah Selland, Rachel Selland, Morgan Selland, Ashley Schmit, Marissa Weber, Asst. Coach Justin Dean; front row: Jaycee Baruth (student manager), Logan Moody (stats), Tayla Weber, Kelbi Dean, Candace Page-Marten, Bailey Moody, Amberiah Smith, Morgan Larson, Rachelle Moore and Kaylee White (student manager).
Blackhawk fever was rampant across Sanborn County last week and the effects of the fever resulted in mass migration north to the State B Tournament at Huron.
Black shirted fans filled the entire east half of the Huron Arena at the first session of tournament play as the Sanborn Central/Woonsocket Blackhawks faced Sully Buttes. Despite the thunder in the stands, the Chargers managed to fight off the Hawks, narrowly squeezing out of a late resurgence with free throws.
The fans in black were not deterred, turning out again in force on Friday and the Blackhawk players took the court, with new vigor and confidence and had their second contest versus Timber Lake put away by halftime.
The Sanborn County girls weren’t willing to sit back and relax on Saturday, determined to get their second win of the weekend and the fifth place trophy. The Parker Pheasants were completely outmatched by the Blackhawks and the Hawks cruised by smoothly for the win.
Sanborn Central/Woonsocket finished the weekend with two state tournament wins and a fifth place finish; one more win, yet one lower place than last year’s fourth. The Hawks will graduate three seniors this year, Rachelle Moore, Candace Page-Marten and Morgan Larson, but still have high hopes of returning for a third year to pick up that third win.
The Lady Hawks end their season with 24 wins and two losses, just one in the regular season to the state champion Warner Monarchs, and champions of the 281 Conference, CBH Conference, District 9B and Region 5B.