Tuesday morning a flock of around a couple hundred Canada geese made Lake Prior their rest stop, but had to take turns enjoying the open water by the artesian well.
The calendar says spring arrived this week, March 20, but it seems Mother Nature begs to differ.
This past week quickly went from a very brief taste of spring right back to winter. High was on Thursday when the mercury hit a wonderful 51º F. The low for the week was 12º on Wednesday night, yet windchills have been much colder, making it feel like 2º Monday.
We received a trace amount of precipitation early Sunday evening, in the form of around a quarter to a third of an inch of snow.
Geese are on the move, but may be starting to wonder if they set their clocks wrong, as spring still seems a long way off, with these wintry temps we’re having. It must be a disappointment to see the bodies of water where they normally rest each year are still frozen solid.
The forecast reports little hope for spring to arrive anytime soon. Temps for the coming week aren’t predicted to rise above the 30s.