Letters to the Editor

Acts of Kindness

They are called acts of kindness (A.O.K.), and many reading this already know what they are, while some may not. Simply put, they are deeds done by many who find it in their hearts to help others around them.
You may have heard about or witnessed someone driving through a McDonald’s or Burger King, etc., who was just pulling out his/her wallet to pay for the ordered food, when the attendant says that the man or woman in the car ahead has already paid their bill. (An A.O.K.)
Last summer while working at our family melon stand just west of Forestburg, I was visiting with a good friend of mine from teaching days long ago, when an elderly lady walked in and picked out some produce. As she approached the counter, my friend said, “I’m paying for that”. It took me by surprise, much as it did the lady. I found out later that my friend was accustomed to doing this sort of thing. (An A.O.K.)
Another example of this was told during a recent conversation with my brother-in-law. He was telling me how his daughter was having an absolutely horrible morning one day, and as she pulled up to a drive-up coffee stand, the lady working there said her order was “on the house” and that the vehicle just leaving had already paid her bill. (An A.O.K.) When she heard that, her day had suddenly turned around and became bearable once again.
While sitting on a plane returning home from Phoenix recently, I was taking mental notes of what needed to be done after arriving at our house. I told my wife that once we were home, I would help with the suitcases, open the house, turn up the furnace, etc., etc. I also was aware of the fact that it had snowed since our departure, so I quickly added that after completing these chores, I would then begin snow-blowing or shoveling our driveway. Later that day, as we approached home and were about to turn into our drive, we were surprised to see it totally removed of all snow. I immediately came up with the person whom I thought may have been responsible for doing this good deed, but was wrong in my assumption, and after talking with several others, was still unable to identify that person. After much detective work, I learned that it was a neighbor from up the road living over a mile away. I thanked him for his “act of kindness” (he wished to remain anonymous). What a nice thing to do for someone! Thank you again (you know who you are).
We all should be more like those I’ve just mentioned. It needn’t be done from only a monetary sense, but in any way to show others that there are kind people in this troubled world we live in.
Remember, it’s O.K. to perform an A.O.K.!!!
Kelly Larson

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