Archive for 2016

The regular meeting of the Woonsocket City Council was called to order by Mayor Lindy Peterson at 7:00 p.m., Monday, April 4, 2016, with the following members present: John Ames, Brandon Goergen, Richard Regynski, Don Schmidt and Richard Reider.
Motion by Goergen, seconded by Ames, to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Goergen, seconded by Regynski, to approve the March 7, 2016 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Ames, to approve the March 21, 2016 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Regynski, to approve the February Financial Statement. Motion carried.
Motion by Steichen, seconded by Ames, to approve the March Financial Statement. Motion carried.
Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Steichen, to approve the following bills:
Ameripride  $70.00 General
Banyon Data System $295.00 Software Maintenance
Express 2 $479.97 Shop
Department of Revenue $232.00 Water
Fastenal $32.33 Shop
Milbank Winwater $10,818.97 Water
Sanborn Weekly Journal $168.85 Publishing
Santel Communications $280.85 Phone/Computer
SD Federal Property $83.00  Shop
Waste Management $4,784.78 Garbage
Todd Snedeker $1,657.84 Snow
SDML $40.00 Conference
Richard Jensen $33.30 Mileage
RDO $943.68 Shop
Farnams $49.99 Shop
Northwest Pipe Fitting $764.80  Water
Local Lumber $43.09 Shop
NAPA $318.28 Shop
Brian Feistner $605.00 Streets
Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources $20.00 Classes
Colonial Research $2,453.95  Sewer
Honda $79.92 Shop
TMA $1,130.73 Shop
Big E Auto $149.76 Shop
SD Retirement Plan $869.76 Retirement
First National Bank $1,862.41 Payroll Tax
Department of Revenue $173.51 Sales Tax
Richard Regynski $33.30 Mileage
NorthWestern Energy $5,474.34 Utilities
Total: $33,949.41
The following Seniors attended the meeting and the council took questions from them for their Government Class: Brady Tiede, Jacob Fouberg, Tayla Weber and Rex Schlicht.
Council discussed the Cemetery.
Council discussed abandoned cars. Letters will be sent.
Motion by Goergen, seconded by Steichen, to approve the second reading of Ordinance #93-32 Amending Water Rates.
That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 93-32 shall be amended to read as follows, to-wit:
Section 1.  That the minimum monthly charge to water users effective May 1, 2016, shall be increased to $18.00.  That the gallonages shall be as follows;
For the first 2,500 gallons, there will be a $18.00 minimum.
Subsequently, there will be a charge of $5.00 for the next 1,000 gallons, and $4.00 for every 1,000 gallons up to 40,000 gallons, chargeable in increments of 500 gallons.
Further, the monthly minimum charge established herein shall be made on City water service provided, whether or not the customer makes use of City water.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Section 2. That the minimum monthly charge to water users outside the city limits effective January 1, 2010, shall be $26.00.  That the gallonages shall be as follows:
For the first 2,500 gallons, there will be a $26.00 minimum.
Subsequently, there will be a $5.00 per 1,000 gallons, above the 2,500 minimum, up to 40,000 gallons, chargeable in increments of 500 gallons.
Further, the monthly minimum charge established herein shall be made on City water service provided, whether or not the customer makes use of City water.
This Ordinance shall take effect May 1, 2016 and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication.
Passed and approved April 4, 2016.
Lindy Peterson
Tara Weber
Finance Officer
First Reading: March 7, 2016
Second Reading: April 4, 2016
Adopted: April 4, 2016
Published: April 14, 2016
Council discussed the antenna for the fire department.
Council discussed the Equalization meeting.
Regynski and Ames gave a report from the District 2 meeting.
Motion by Regynski, seconded by Ames, to accept the Audit as presented by ELO. Motion carried.
Council discussed the Dumpground and Campground.
Council discussed upcoming street projects. Motion by Goergen, seconded by Reider, to allocated $20,000 for Crack Sealing. Motion carried.
Council approved Richard Jensen and Donald Jemmings to attend a Mosquito Workshop in Mitchell.
Council discussed summer help.
Council discussed Iron Pile.
Motion by Regynski, seconded by Steichen, to approve the following Malt Beverage Renewals:
Express 2-Off Sale Package Malt Beverage
Express Stop-On/Off Sale Package Malt Beverage
Woony Foods-On/Off Sale Package Malt Beverage
Motion by Regynski, seconded by Schmidt, to declare the 1990 Dodge Dakota Pickup surplus valued at $300.00 Sealed bids will be accepted until May 2, 2016 at the City office. Bids will be opened Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Council discussed Lift Station/Pumphouse-Tabled
Council discussed animals running at large. Letters will be sent.
Motion by Goergen, seconded by Steichen, to approve the bill for the Water Main Loop from Evers Excavation in the amount of $30,000.00.  Motion carried.
Discussion was held on the following items: Signs, Community Center, Christmas Decorations, Council Members.
With no further business to be discussed. Motion by Steichen, seconded by Schmidt, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Lindy Peterson
Tara Weber
Finance Officer

Artesian Town Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes - April 6, 2016

The City of Artesian Council met on April 6, 2016 in regular session at the Artesian Community Center.  Council Member Danek called the meeting to order with Council Member Richard and Effling, Finance Officer Steele and Fridley present.
The minutes of the March 2, 2016 and March 21, 2016 meeting were read; motion to approve by Richard, motion carried.  Finance Officer reports and vouchers were read; motion to approve by Richard,  motion carried. The following vouchers were presented for the month:
Monthly Disbursements, March 31, 2016:
USDA, Sanitation $723.59, Sanitation $392.41
Tracey Steele, General $500.00
Dawson Construction, Sanitation $1,043.26
Susan Richard, General $120.00
Fire Department, General $125.00
Safe Deposit, General $5.00
Payroll Expense, General $87.21
US Post Office, General $38.00
Tom Fridley, General $140.00
Sanborn Weekly Journal, General $63.12, Sanitation $140.00
Candace Danek, General $120.00
Xcel Energy, General $1182.34
SD Department Revenue, General $150.00
Kurt Effling, General $120.00
WIPF, Sanitation $80.00
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Streets: Tom Fridley will mow for the city. Mosquito spray will be purchased. Tom Fridley will spray city and sidewalk.
Sewer/garbage: Reviewed accounts receivable. Discussed past dues.
Parks: Sinks, toilets, and lights OK. Sealer for playground equipment to be ordered and applied.
New Business: Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek, to approve renewal  for the Longbranch Bar for 2016-2017 Malt Beverage License; motion carried.
Bob Schmit wants to buy two lots (Lots 23 and 24 Block 3).
The next meeting will be May 4, 2016, 7:30 p.m., at the Artesian Community Center.
There being no further business brought before the Council, Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek,  meeting adjourned. Motion carried.
Tracey Steele
Finance Officer –
City of Artesian
Kurt Effling

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Ebersdorfer presiding.  Other members present were P. Larson, S. Larson, Blindauer, and Ohlrogge.  Auditor Larson, Lacey Christensen, Garrett Larson, Jastyn Ford, and Noah Bruce from the Woonsocket Senior class were also present.   Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the minutes as presented.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Lee Goergen, Highway Superintendent/Weed Supervisor presented an application from Santel Communications for occupancy in the right-of-way of county highways in the Artesian area. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the application.  All ayes.  Motion carried.   Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to purchase a Mac truck off of the Spink County Bid to replace two other trucks.  These trucks will be sold as surplus.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to declare executive session at 9:20 a.m.  to discuss personnel.  All ayes.  Motion carried.  Ebersdorfer declared an end to executive session at 9:30 p.m.
Penny Farris, Direct of Equalization, presented a plat for Lee Hinker and Janet Hinker that reads Plat of Tract 1 of Hinker’s Addition in E/2 9-106-61.  By recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the plat.  All ayes.  Motion carried.  Farris presented a plat for Herbert Rieckmann  for a Plat of Lot 1 Rieckmann First Addition in NE/4 9-105-59.  By recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the plat.  Motion carried.
Tom Carda presented quotes to fix the roof of the courthouse.  Two different jobs were quoted.  Carda will get a proposal to complete both jobs at the same time.  Carda also informed the board of a problem with the sewer.  The board agreed that it should be fixed as soon as possible.
Mary Ann Blindauer and Kenny Stach met with the board to voice concerns about the Wind Towers proposed for Sanborn County.
Auditor Larson presented a request by NCFE to use county highways for landing of planes for spraying.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to deny the request.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $2,945,185.33
Register of Deeds $1,776.00
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to declare the following surplus property:
Lots 5-9, Block 7, Original Plat, Artesian;
Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 117, First Addition, Woonsocket;
Lots 3 & 4, Block 18, Original Plat, Woonsocket.
Motion carried. All ayes. An auction to sell this property is set for May 3rd at 11:00 a.m. on the courthouse steps.
Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to pay the following bills.  All ayes.  Motion carried.
Office of Child Support, Wage Garnish, $240.00
Accounts Management Inc., Wage Garnish $257.27
First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,262.52
Avera Health Plan, Insurance $18,360.10
AFLAC, Insurance $1,731.43
AFLAC, Insurance $319.18
SD Retirement System, Retirement $7,417.74
SD Retirement System, Retirement $39.81
Small Business, Insurance $76.00
Cortrust Bank, Wage Garnish $398.95
Sanborn County, RE Taxes/Lien $596.00
AFLAC, Insurance $22.49
EMC National Life Company, Insurance $412.71
First National Bank, Tax Liability $11,471.83
EMC National Life Company, Insurance $51.39
SD Retirement System, Retirement $1,407.88
Office of Child Support, Wage Garnish $240.00
SD Retirement System, Retirement $1,202.28
Sanborn County, RE Taxes/Lien $10.00
Accounts Management Inc., Wage Garnish $257.27
First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,574.57
Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $4,493.89
SDSU Extension, Salary Share/4-H Advisor $5,496.00
A&B Business Solutions, Supplies $73.77
A-Ox Welding Supply Co. Inc., Oxygen Cylinder $35.79
AT&T Mobility, Air Cards $132.61
Avera Queen of Peace, Drug Test $59.40
Beadle County Sheriff, Prisoner Care $4,985.00
Beck Ace Hardware, Supplies $47.43
Bound Tree Medical, Supplies $282.25
Brown & Saenger    Office, Supplies $664.51
Todd O. Brueske Construction, Storage $125.00
Butler Machinery Co., Supplies    $650.04
Cedar Shore Resort, Travel Expense $195.90
Perianne Clendening, Travel Expense $327.68
SDACC, CLERP $509.00
Commercial Asphalt, Omega Mix $515.70
Connecting Point, Service $80.00
Dakota Counseling/Stepping Stone, Quarterly Support $625.00
Total Oil Inc., Fuel $2,257.92
East River Nursery, Chemicals $63.98
Equipment Blades Inc., Supplies $997.60
Express 2, Fuel $129.10
Farnams Genuine Parts, Supplies $476.40
Penny Farris, Supplies $34.95
Fastenal Company, Supplies $44.20
Melissa Heinen, Blood Alcohol Test $70.00
Honda of Mitchell, Chain $63.80
KO’s, Repairs/Supplies $950.06
Larson & Nipe, Office Expenses $1,000.00
Lyle Signs, Signs $243.40
Neve’s Uniforms, Supplies $44.49
NorthWestern Energy, Electricity $1,773.83
Palace Transit, Contract $14,000.00
Premier Equipment, Disc Mower $6,500.00
Sherryl Rankin, Mileage/Supplies $276.60
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications Fees $515.60
Audra Scheel, Travel Expense $59.11
SD Department of Transportation, 20 Percent Share $840.87
SD Police Chiefs’ Association, Registration Fee $85.00
Stitch-n-Time Embroidery & Monogram, Supplies $150.00
Tinan, Smith, and Bucher, Court Appointed Attorney Fees $249.32
True North Steel, Culvert $5,099.50
Waste Management, Garbage $252.82
Woonsocket City, Water/Sewer $43.50
Schmiedt Enterprises Inc., Supplies $112.74
Zuercher Technologies, Software $17,086.50
March payroll before deductions:
Commissioners $2,708.35
Auditor $4,790.47
Treasurer $4,910.47
States Attorney $3,348.70
Courthouse $3,154.35
Assessor $5,376.80
Register of Deeds $5,140.88
Sheriff $10,783.85
Nurse $762.85
Ambulance $1,305.00
WIC $47.03
Extension Office $1,196.53
Weed Salary $1,145.00
Drainage Commission $180.00
Planning and Zoning $180.00
Road and Bridge $35,647.70
E-911 $55.45
Emergency Management $441.33
Sobriety Testing $505.60
There being no further business, motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting.  All ayes. Motion carried. The board will meet as a Board of Equalization and to conduct any other business that may come before the board on April 12, 2016.
Diane Larson
Sanborn County
Chairman of the Board,
Sanborn County

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