Artesian Town Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes - April 6, 2016

The City of Artesian Council met on April 6, 2016 in regular session at the Artesian Community Center.  Council Member Danek called the meeting to order with Council Member Richard and Effling, Finance Officer Steele and Fridley present.
The minutes of the March 2, 2016 and March 21, 2016 meeting were read; motion to approve by Richard, motion carried.  Finance Officer reports and vouchers were read; motion to approve by Richard,  motion carried. The following vouchers were presented for the month:
Monthly Disbursements, March 31, 2016:
USDA, Sanitation $723.59, Sanitation $392.41
Tracey Steele, General $500.00
Dawson Construction, Sanitation $1,043.26
Susan Richard, General $120.00
Fire Department, General $125.00
Safe Deposit, General $5.00
Payroll Expense, General $87.21
US Post Office, General $38.00
Tom Fridley, General $140.00
Sanborn Weekly Journal, General $63.12, Sanitation $140.00
Candace Danek, General $120.00
Xcel Energy, General $1182.34
SD Department Revenue, General $150.00
Kurt Effling, General $120.00
WIPF, Sanitation $80.00
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Streets: Tom Fridley will mow for the city. Mosquito spray will be purchased. Tom Fridley will spray city and sidewalk.
Sewer/garbage: Reviewed accounts receivable. Discussed past dues.
Parks: Sinks, toilets, and lights OK. Sealer for playground equipment to be ordered and applied.
New Business: Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek, to approve renewal  for the Longbranch Bar for 2016-2017 Malt Beverage License; motion carried.
Bob Schmit wants to buy two lots (Lots 23 and 24 Block 3).
The next meeting will be May 4, 2016, 7:30 p.m., at the Artesian Community Center.
There being no further business brought before the Council, Motion by Richard, seconded by Danek,  meeting adjourned. Motion carried.
Tracey Steele
Finance Officer –
City of Artesian
Kurt Effling

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