COURTHOUSE EMPLOYEES and volunteers gather for instructions before the distribution of food at the giveaway.
Forty-four Sanborn County families received a free box of food on Wednesday, Sept. 7, during the food giveaway at the Woonsocket Community Center, sponsored by the Sanborn County Food Pantry and Feeding South Dakota.
A truckload of approximately 2,200 pounds of nonperishable food, fresh fruits and vegetables, frozen meat and bread items were distributed to those who lined up for the event, which began at 5 p.m. Employees from the Sanborn County Courthouse volunteered to participate in the distribution.
Feeding South Dakota partners with food pantries around the state to reach the over 105,000 residents who are food insecure, 260 of them in Sanborn County. To help with transportation and food collection costs, the local food pantry contributes eight cents for every pound of food that is donated for the distribution, according to Diane Briest, Agency Relations Coordinator of Feeding South Dakota.
Another giveaway is planned for Oct. 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the community center in Woonsocket. Anyone wishing to help with distribution or who would like to make a monetary donation to the local pantry to help with the cost of contribution, should contact Diane Larson, Tom Carda or Lynn Brueske, courthouse employees and co-chairs of the Sanborn County Food Pantry.