Nathan Linke explains to the audience the different parts of his gun in his illustrated talk called “Commence Fire!”
Over the past few years, Public Presentations have become a popular activity for Sanborn County 4-H members. 4-Hers participating in the event can chose from four different types of presentations which included demonstration, illustrated talk, public speaking and Project “Why”.
This July, two Public Presentation contests were held to accommodate the 17 illustrated talks and two public speaking talks.
The first contest was held on July 6 with Glenda Gassmen of Canova and Wanda Swenson of Woonsocket serving as judges for the event. The second contest was held on July 24 with Cindy Larson, Jonathan Linke and Karen Lambert judging the contestants.
…To read the title of the participants presentations and what ribbons they earned, pick up this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!